Chapter 9 pg Jewel Honea Thu Nguyen
Definitions to know Standard Formatting: generally accepted way to set up a document so its appearance follows a convention Visual Cue: an element the reader sees and interprets to have a particular meaning White Space: margins, space between paragraphs, and any other blank space on the page Readability: a measure of how easy it is for the reader to understand your writing and locate information within a document
Definitions Headings: words and phrases that introduce sections of text Parallel structure: when similar sections or elements contain similar patterns of words to show they are of equal level Block-Style letter: formatted so all lines are flush with the left margin Modified-Block-Style letter: places the date, complimentary close and signature to the right of the center point of the letter
Formatting Writers use standard formatting so their business documents are consistent in appearance with what the reader expects. Letters, reports, graphics, and other elements are visual cues that make it easy for the reader to locate and understand information.
Appearance The appearance of a document is the first impression your writing makes on the reader. Without properly formatted elements, the reader can easily become lost or distracted.
Readability Readability is achieved through a combination of clear writing and effective formatting. Writing is most readable when it is presented in small segments with adequate white space.
Introductory Write a short opening for the message that concisely introduces the main idea.
Headings When the topic covers more than one key point or important issue, consider using headings. Fonts and Sizes Often, the default font of the word processing application used by a business determines the preferred standard Heading Font Styles Vary the font size and style in headings to clarify organizational structure
Parallel Structure Parallel structure is easily created when similar words are used in writing in similar ways Formatting and Organization Tools Highlight important information or set off related items by using bulleted lists, numbered lists, asterisks, underlining, or boldface type. High-Quality Paper When publishing letters for hardcopy distribution, make sure you use high- quality paper. This will help it look professional.
Formatting Letters Letters are messages printed on stationery and should conform to workplace standards. Block-Style Modified Block-Style
GO GREEN USB flash drives are becoming a popular alternative to rewritable CDs. USB drives are more durable, reusable, and easy to carry and store.
Chapter 9 pg Arturo V. Veronica C.
Standard Letter Elements Modified-block-style letter- places the date, complimentary close, and signature to the right of the center point of the letter. Date- Consist of the month,day, and year. Inside Address- Name, title, and address of recipient Salutation- Greeting in the letter Mixed Punctuation-A colon is placed after the salutation and a comma after the complimentary close Body- the message of the letter
Formatting Letters Body- the message of the letter Complimentary Close- Sign-off for the letter Signature or Signature Block- The writer’s name and title Reference initials- Indicates who keyed the letter
Notations Enclosure Notation- Alerts the reader to materials included in mailing along with the letter. Copy Notation- is needed when others are being sent a copy of letter.
Additional Letter Elements There are three additional letter elements that are sometimes used in business letters. Attention Line, Subject line, and Postscript Proscript- Information included after the signature
Chapter 9 Micah, Guillermo 10/13/2015 Pages:
Business readers expect documents to be set up in a certain way. Standard Formatting: A generally accepted way to set up a document so its appearance follows a convention. Visual Cue: A element the reader sees and interprets to have a particular meaning. White Space: Includes Margins, space between paragraphs, and any other blank space on the page. Readability: A measure of how easy it is for the reader to understand your writing and locate information within a document.
Use Headings! Heading: Are words and phrases that introduces sections of texts. headings organize blocks of information in a document. Main Headings: Divides long topics into sections, has the largest font.
Use Parallel Structure! Parallel Structures: Occurs when similar sections or elements obtain similar patterns of words to show they are of equal level. Words in headings, lists, and other elements that form a pattern should be worded in a consistent manner.
Formatting Letters Block-Style Letter: Is formatted so all lines are flush with the left margin. Modified- Block -Style letter: Places the date, complimentary close, and signature to the right of the center point of the letter. All other elements of the letter are flushed with the left margin.
Date Line, Inside Address, and Salutations Date: The month,day, and year. Inside Address: Name, title, and address of the recipient. Salutations: The greeting in a letter and always begin with Dear. Mixed Punctuation: A style in which a colon is placed after the salutation and a comma after the complimentary close. Open Punctuation: Which there is no punctuation after the salutation or the complimentary close.
Body, complimentary Close, and Signature Body: The message. Complimentary Close: Sign-off for the letter. Signature or Signature Block: The writer’s name and title. Reference Initials: Indicate who keyed the letter. Enclosure Notation: Alerts the reader to materials that are included in the mailing along with the letter.
Formatting Memos and Notations Copy Notation: Needed for when others are being sent a copy of letter. Postscript: Means After writing, information included after the signature. Memos: Hardcopies used for Intra- office communication. Templates: Predesigned forms supplied in word processing software. Guide Words: To, From, Date, and Subject Memo.
Special Notations/Formatting E- mail Notations: At bottom of memo, indicates specific things to the reader. Blind Copy: Used when sending a copy of the memo to someone without the recipient’s knowledge. Message that is created, sent, and received Electronically. Netiquette: Set of guidelines for appropriate behavior on the internet, Including E- mail and always followed.