PERNOD RICARD AUSTRALIA and NESTLE Gift with Purchase Promotion
Free Club Noir with selected Wyndham Estate BIN wines Rationale Chocolate and red wine (Wyndham Estate BIN especially) is a fantastic mix Nestle looking to align with premium wine supplier and gain ranging in retail liquor channels Great opportunity for Wyndham Estate with low cost relevant GWP Mechanics: Free 100g block of Club Noir Chocolate with selected bottle of Wyndham Estate BIN wines (BIN 444, 555, 888) Blocks of chocolate are flow-wrapped in flexible film and neck tagged onto the bottle, before being packed into specially marked cases (new P Code and brand master) Retail channel Liquorland bottle shops (part of Coles Liquor Group) – 70,000 units 1 st Choice Liquor – 30,000 units
Free Club Noir with selected Wyndham Estate BIN wines Costs Chocolate from Nestle (FREE)0c p/u (AUD) Flow-wrap of chocolate block (includes film) 25c p/u (AUD) Packing into cases17c p/u (AUD) TOTAL cost per unit42c p/u (AUD) NB: Above doesn’t include costs for printing plates or machine jaws that were made specifically for this execution. The Australian execution was close to $0.90 per unit because of these initial setup charges.
Free Club Noir with selected Wyndham Estate BIN wines
LL – Club Noir Promotion WE Club Noir – held only on BIN 555 Shiraz | $11.99 promotional price point This resulted in a 343% uplift in scan sales, no catalogue was used at this time. At a higher price point of $11.99 – this is second highest promotional uplift. With the highest being on at $10 promotion that was also supported via catalogue.