I NTRODUCTION A Teacher and His Student Understanding The Gospel from Multiple Angles Biblical Before and After Stories
I NTRODUCTION “The Gospel is not only the most important message in all of history; it is the only essential message in all of history. Yet we allow thousands of professing Christians to live their entire lives without clearly understanding it and experiencing the joy of living by it.” – Jerry Bridges, The Discipline of Grace
Before... (vs.3) 1.Sin deceives. 2.Sin disobeys. 3.Sin dictates. 4.Sin detests. 5.Sin desires. 6.Sin destroys.
Before... (vs.3) “Do not let me talk about these things this morning while you listen to me without feeling. I want you to be turning over the pages of your old life and joining with Paul and the rest of us in our sad confession of former pleasure in evil.” – Charles Spurgeon
But God... (vs.4-7) Salvation through the Lens of a Rescue Mission o The Rescue Mission that Changed Everything o The Need for that Rescue Mission
But God... (vs.4-7) Salvation through the Lens of Spiritual Accomplishments o God cleans me and begins a renovation project. o God declares my legal record (before God) cleared on account of Jesus’ sacrificial death and imputed righteousness. o God makes me an heir of an abundant and eternal life.
But God... (vs.4-7) Salvation through the Lens of God’s Character o Our salvation demonstrates God’s kindness. o Our salvation demonstrates God’s love. o Our salvation demonstrates God’s mercy. o Our salvation demonstrates God’s grace.
After... (vs.8) “You should talk about these things confidently and persistently.” “If you do, you will help God’s people connect the dots between grace and good works.” “This is good stuff for God’s people – it will even benefit those around them.”
C ONCLUDING A PPLICATIONS Has God saved you from your sin? Have you humbly and personally embraced God’s rescue mission for you? “By grace, God is embedding my story in the larger story of redemption. As I get the bigger story, I understand my little story.” – Paul Tripp, Grace Liberates Relationships
C ONCLUDING A PPLICATIONS If God has saved you from your sin, is the “after” part of your story evident and growing? “All around us we see Christians and churches relaxing their grasp on the gospel, fumbling it, and in danger of letting it drop from their hands altogether.” John Stott, Guard the Gospel