Starting from Scratch Using a Wikispace
Signing-Up for Wikispace Connect to In the top corner click sign-in. The next page will ask you for you username and password- Circled in red is where you can select Create a new account – Click on the pictures to see a larger view.
Creating an Account After selecting to create a new account you will be brought to this page. You will be asked to create your username, password, and you will need to supply a valid address. – If you would want to create you Wiki Space at this time select yes, however you will have another opportunity to create one later. After you have entered all your information, click on JOIN
Your Home Page…
Key functions of you Home Page You will see in the yellow box that Wikispaces has sent you an to confirm you registration. It is a good rule of thumb to go and confirm your username and then continue through the site. In your home page you have access to things like: – Wiki – Monitoring of a page (we will cover this more in another slide) – A list of your favorite Wikis After verifying your account, you can begin with either creating your own Wiki or searching for one that already exists and requesting to join.
Searching for a Wikispace When looking for a wikispace, it is similar to searching in Google. In the add a wiki space, use key words to search for the desired wiki: – Like Wyland, Poff, Hampton As you enter a word, a list of wikis matching your key word will appear below the box. To create a Wiki, there is an additional PowerPoint attached to my wikispace.
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Selecting either of the circled links will lead you to the same page Click this box to go back to previous slide Click this box to go back to previous slide