IN YOUR JOURNAL, ANSWER THE FOLLOWING QUESTION What possessions/things do you love? Make a list Pick your top 3 Stand up/Hand up/Pair up Share your top 3 with your partner
WHAT ITEMS STAND THE TEST OF TIME? How would your list of things you love be affected by a worldwide blackout?worldwide blackout Look at your list and draw a line through anything that would be affected by a complete loss of all power in the world. As a society, where do we store the majority of our information? What would our society look like if we underwent a worldwide blackout? How far back in time would we regress? Which country would survive this epic problem the best? The worst? WHY?!
TODAY’S PLAN What things do we love? Stand up/Hand up/Pair up Blackout It has happened before The Dark Ages The Bubonic Plague How will our culture survive?
THE DARK AGES What technologies had the people of Europe lost? How would you react if you saw amazing technology all around you, but did not understand it and could never use it? Have any of you ever felt this way? What parts of our society would we see as reminders of our past if we had an epic blackout?
DAILY LIFE Everyone stand up! Mix/Pair/Share If you couldn’t read, write, and had no access to technology, what would you do during the winter period of the year? What percentage of children died at birth? What percentage died before reaching your age? What kind of effect do you think losing a family member would have on people during the Dark Ages? Why did parents continue to have children?
SAFETY What do you need to feel safe? Why is safety an important aspect of every person’s life? Why do people look to religions like Christianity when they do not feel safe? What things do people use in our society to help make them feel safe?
DISEASE Everyone stand up! If half of the Okanagan’s population died from a virulent disease in the next month, how would that affect our economy? Our local government? Our police force? Our culture? Why do you think the bubonic plague spread as fast as it did? Where did it start? Why is that important?
NASTY, BRUTISH, & SHORT Looking back on European society during the Dark Ages, Thomas Hobbes wrote that a man’s life is “solitary, poor, nasty, brutish, and short”. Thinking back on all of the clips we saw today and the discussions we had, do you agree with this statement or not? In a short paragraph (5-7 sentences) I want you to reflect on this quote and state your opinion, providing evidence from our discussion. Remember there are no wrong answers as long as you can support them with facts.
HOW DO WE KNOW ALL THIS? How did the knowledge of the Roman Empire survive? Monks and monasteries kept the past alive. They were some of the only literate people during the Dark Ages