IdM: Platform for Ubiquitous Chae Sub LEE DOCUMENT #:GSC13-PLEN-12 FOR:Presentation SOURCE:ITU-T AGENDA ITEM:Plenary 6.4 Submission Date: July 1, 2008
IdM-GSI is a grouping of ITU-T Study Group Rapporteurs working on Identity Management (IdM) for telecommunications. i.e. Joint Rapporteur Group (JRG) Objectives –Progress IdM technical work in the various SG Questions in a well-coordinated/complementary manner and avoid duplication and conflict –Produce ITU-T Recommendations in a timely manner –Similar to other ITU-T GSI’s –Organized and led by relevant SG Question Rapporteurs Some sessions are joint, others are just co-located sessions 2 Highlight of Current Activities (1)
3 Highlight of Current Activities (2) Report TitleReport Contents Identity Management Ecosystem and Lexicon Living List of organizations working on IdM related subjects. IdM related terms and definitions in use. Identity Management Use Cases and Gap Analysis Identifies, describes and analyzes IdM gaps, Documents example use cases illustrating the gaps. Used to derive the requirements for a generic IdM framework. Requirements for Global Interoperable IdM Provides a global analysis on IdM requirements and capabilities, Includes requirements for the protection of personally identifiable information (PII). Global Interoperable IdM Framework Describes an extensible, platform-independent, identity protocol-independent, IdM Framework to support existing and new IdM solutions.
4 Strategic Direction (1) More connections using various types of IDs for specific services and applications Mobile Phone Nr Fixed Phone Nr WiFi Id Cable/IPTV Id Internet Id Social Id Personal Id Bank Id Passport Id Deriver’s License Id Credit Card Id Birth date Employee Id Insurance Id Ids for Person Ids for HouseholdIds for Telecom Ids for Devices/Sensors
5 Connecting to: Any Device/Network/Service/Where/Time Ubiquitous into the Life: USN (Ubiquitous Sensor Networks), U-health, U-commerce, etc Strategic Direction (2) More IDs and various Identification Mechanisms
6 Challenges Meet increasing usage of IDs ‒ Currently use Identifiers only for identification of entity, e.g., security aspect (authentication and authorization) ‒ But need extension of usage, like triggering of services, identifying services and way of profiling end-user preferences, etc. (routing, profiling, positioning and etc.) ‒ Use method: Typing, Reading or Triggering Standards for Global Identifiers and Identification Mechanisms ‒ Philosophy and Principles for creation, use and manage IDs ‒ Standards for reflection of Global/Regional/National perspectives
7 Next Steps/Actions Need Global Working Platform for study: –Philosophy and Principles –Framework for Technical Standard ITU-T will promote collaboration with relevant SDOs to develop technical standards reflecting global views PSO should support that ITU-T will initiate a study for developing ‘Regulatory Framework for IDs’ also reflecting global views Information Society A Global Village Information Society Z Information Society B Global Connectivity Networks and Service Platforms Global IDs Global Identification Mechanisms