Gwneud gwell defnydd o Asedau’r Sector Cyhoeddus – Cronfa Ddata Cymru Gyfan o Eiddo Sector Cyhoeddus Making better use of Public Sector Assets – All Wales.


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Presentation transcript:

Gwneud gwell defnydd o Asedau’r Sector Cyhoeddus – Cronfa Ddata Cymru Gyfan o Eiddo Sector Cyhoeddus Making better use of Public Sector Assets – All Wales Public Sector Property Database NIGEL THOMAS Prif Syrfëwr Ystadau/ Principal Estates Surveyor

Benefits Its Free. Strategic Planning - Wales Estate wide co-ordination tool. Public sector vacant space/Surplus Asset Register. (With Public Portal) Access to Meeting room list. Mae Am Ddim. Cynllunio Strategol – offeryn cydlynu ar draws Ystad Cymru. Cofrestr gofod gwag / Asedau Dros Ben yn y sector cyhoeddus. (gyda Phorthol Cyhoeddus) Mynediad at restr ystafelloedd cyfarfod. Manteision

Llwyddiant –Ymglymiad yn ôl Sector Success –Engagement by Sector The current total of e-PIMS entries in Wales is circa 16,000

Landlordiaid cymdeithasol cofrestredig yng Nghymru Registered social landlords in Wales

Chwilio rhestr / List Search Click view to see details

Meysydd data E-Pims “lite” / E-Pims “lite” data fields

Her a Chyfle / Challenge & Opportunity

Added value :- Searching surplus or available space. The system offers public asset opportunities to other public sector organisations before offering to the wider market. Some part vacancies may only be appropriate for occupation by other public bodies. Gwerth ychwanegol:- Chwilio gofod dros ben neu sydd ar gael. Y system yn cynnig cyfleoedd asedau cyhoeddus i gyrff sector cyhoeddus eraill cyn cynnig i’r farchnad ehangach. Gall rhai llefydd gwag rhannol fod yn addas i’w meddiannu gan gyrff cyhoeddus eraill yn unig.

Llwyfan gofod cyfarfod / Meeting space platform Example of Wales taking the lead. Offer locations not ordinarily available to a user body. Reduced requirement to book rooms from the private sector – potential cost saving. Fuller use of existing public sector facilities. Enghraifft o Gymru’n arwain. Cynnig lleoliadau nad ydynt fel arfer ar gael i gorff defnyddiwr. Gofyniad is i archebu ystafelloedd oddi wrth y sector preifat – arbedion cost posibl. Defnydd llawnach o gyfleusterau cyfredol y sector cyhoeddus.