The Cold War An era of political tension in which the U.S. and U.S.S.R competed for world influence without actual armed conflict. ( )
The alliance which won WWII was a shaky one at best Many of the nations had a long history of conflict but were brought together by a common enemy in the Axis powers
After WWII there were two remaining superpowers:
The U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. found themselves in conflict for a variety of reasons Why do we hate each other? You started it!
The U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. found themselves in conflict for a variety of reasons No, you started it! You started it!
The U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. found themselves in conflict for a variety of reasons No, you started it! I hate you!
The U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. found themselves in conflict for a variety of reasons I hate you times 100! I hate you!
The U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. found themselves in conflict for a variety of reasons I hate you times 100! I hate you times 1000!
The U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. found themselves in conflict for a variety of reasons I hate you times infinity I hate you times 1000!
The U.S.A. and U.S.S.R. found themselves in conflict for a variety of reasons I hate you times infinity Oh SNAP!
Remember how you tried to stop the Russian Revolution in 1917? That wasn’t nice!
Remember how you didn’t recognize our government until 1933? That wasn’t nice!
Remember how it took you three years to actually attack Germany!
Remember how you didn’t tell me all your military information during the war?!
Two Words: Atomic Freakin Bomb!
U.S.S.R Distrust U.S. fought against the communists in the Russian Revolution (1918 Reds v White) U.S. waited until 1933 to recognize the government of the Soviet Union U.S. didn’t support U.S.S.R. in WWII U.S. withheld military information from the U.S.S.R. in WWII (specifically the atomic bomb)
What about all this stuff?
Anti- American Propaganda you released during WWII! That wasn’t nice!
Remember how you didn’t tell us all your military information during WWII?
Your system of government teaches constant revolution! That is scary!
During WWI you signed a separate (early) peace with Germany… that hurt our feelings
Before WWII you signed a non- aggression pact with Hitler!
You’ve killed millions of your own people in the Gulags! What might you do to us?
U.S.A. Distrust Treaty of Brest-Litovsk (WWI) Communism teaches constant revolution The Nazi-Soviet Non-Aggression Pact U.S.S.R released Anti-American propaganda U.S.S.R. withheld military information Stalin has murdered millions of his own citizens in the gulags
The Big Three (Churchill, Stalin, FDR) had tried to come up with a course of action to resolve these issues at the Yalta Conference
- The U.S.S.R. would get territory in Asia - The U.S.S.R. would support the United Nations
In Eastern Europe the Soviet Union began installing communist governments
At Potsdam, with Truman as president, the decision was made to divide Germany
Four Sectors
The West adopted a policy of containment to control the spread of Communism
As Stalin continued his expansion, Churchill famously said “an iron curtain has descended across the continent” as he encouraged all English speaking nations to bond together and fight communism
Our country has been destroyed by war!
We really need to protect our country from Germany and other non- communist nations!
Our economy is in shambles… stupid Hitler with his destroying our country!
We need to have a ring of Communist buffer nations in the West.
U.S.S.R. View of the World We have suffered more than any other country in this war We need to protect our country from other non-communist nations Our economy is in shambles We need a ring of communist buffer nations in the west
We rocked in WWII! We are way stronger than anyone else! Of course, we joined a bit late…
We are afraid of you…we need to rearm and rebuild Europe just in case…
We control 50% of the world’s wealth! We are sooooo cool!
Communism is different and therefore scary…we need to contain its spread!
We need to build a world full of democracies which talk out their problems!
Everyone should be just like us… because we like us! We have high self esteem!
U.S.A. View of the World We are stronger than everyone else We have proven that our system of government is superior We are afraid of communism We need to re-arm and rebuild Europe to prevent the spread of communism More countries should model themselves after us