Welcome to the Workshop on Organizing Workshops, Conferences, and Symposia for Computer Systems: WOWCS Jeff Mogul
Thanks! To the PC members: −Tom Anderson, University of Washington Richard Draves, Microsoft Research Carla Schlatter Ellis, Duke University Peter Honeyman, CITI, University of Michigan Greg Minshall, University of Washington Vivek Pai, Princeton University Stefan Savage, University of California, San Diego To the authors! To the scribes: −Colin Dixon, Fred Douglis, Geoff Kuenning
More Thanks! To the USENIX staff: −Ellie Young, Jane-Ellen Long, Devon Shaw, Casey Henderson, Peter Collinson To the sponsors (+ USENIX for room + lunch!)
Logistics Short presentations, lots of Q&A and comments Scribes are taking notes −Please identify yourselves, at least initially −There will be a final report based on these notes, and attendees will get a chance to help correct them Some people are “attending” via telephone −Speakers, please use the microphone! Lunch: 12:30 p.m.–1:45 p.m. Gold Rush B Room −We have to eat 15 minutes faster than other people! Dinner: you’re on your own