Week 23 The Cricket in Times Square Day 2
(Thanks to Clare Pechon, Independence, Lousiana) for voc. Slides. Continued from Day 1 ppt.
If you do something forlornly, you do it in a way that shows you feel sad and lonely. What might cause you to look forlornly after a train that left a station?
People might fidget, or more around restlessly, when they are bored or nervous. Who would be more likely to fidget, a nervous person or a relaxed person?
A person or thing that is pathetic is sad and helpless. You usually feel sorry for pathetic people or things. Would a pathetic person whine miserably or laugh happily?
When you have resolved to do something, you have made up your mind to do it. What might a person do if he or she resolved to get more exercise?
If an animal is scrounging, it is looking around trying to find food. What might a pair of foxes be scrounging for in a park?
If you describe someone as noble, you think that person is honest and unselfish. Describe something noble that a friend or family member did.
Someone who is stingy doesn’t like to spend money or share what they have. Would you ever describe yourself as stingy? Why or why not?
If you think someone is guilty of doing something wrong, you have a suspicion about him or her. If you have a suspicion about something, are you sure of it?