Git with Eclipse (EGit) /article.html
Software Needed Eclipse 4.2 and Eclipse 4.3 Egit plug-in I_find_older_releases_of_EGit.3F I_find_older_releases_of_EGit.3F
Outside of workspace
local Git repository in Eclipse
Create.gitignore file Create a.gitignore file in your Git repository or Window → Preferences → Team → Git → Proj ects → Automatically ignore derived resources.. setting.
Using the Git Staging view The Git Staging view provides a convenient compact overview on all changes you have done since checking out a branch. Open the Git Staging view via the Window → Show View → Other... → Git → Gi t Staging menu
Drag to here
View the commit history
Repository view Right click
Open a commit
Clone existing project File → Import → Git → Project from Git.
Fork before import
Or push Make sure you have created a repository at github, named Gannon-JVM