Aaron Hile Pd. 4/5
Common Name: Mosses Phyla Name: Bryophyta Main Plant Group: Seedless Nonvascular Characteristics: No true leaves, rhizoids Habitat: Live in moist Environments Reproduction: Reproduce using Spores Ex: Moss, Sphagnum, Dicranoweisia cirrata Info: Can enter a stage of dormancy when water is not present.
Common Name: Liverworts Phyla Name: Hepaticophyta Main Plant Group: Seedless Nonvascular Characteristics: Get moisture directly from the surface of soil, 2 mm to 25 cm Habitat: Live in moist, damp environments Reproduction: Produce eggs on umbrella structures, free standing water moves sperm. Ex: Porella platyphylla and Riccia fluitans Info: The phylum name is frequently misspelled in textbooks as “Hepatophyta”
Common Name : Hornworts Phyla Name: Anthrocerophyta Main Plant Group: Seedless Nonvascular Characteristics: Grow Low to Ground, flat body Habitat: Near water, Tropical Environments Reproduction: Reproduce by spores that from the green horns coming up from the flat part of the plant. Rely on free standing water to allow sperm to swim and fertilize the egg. Ex: Dendroceros crispus, Ceratophyllum demersum Info: New Zealand has the largest leafy hornwart.
Common Name: Club Mosses Phyla Name: Lycophyta Main Plant Group: Seedless Vascular Habitat: Moist Shady Woodlands Reproduction: Spores Characteristics: Small Flowerless, True Roots Examples: Spike Moss, Lycopodium Info: Leaves look like scales
Common Name: Ferns Phyla Name: Pterophyta Main Plant Group: Seedless Vascular Characteristics: Short stems, vertical ribs. Shaded, moist woodlands. Reproduction: Depends on the water. Examples: Whisk Ferns Info: Can grow over 2 stories high
Common Name: Cycads Phyla Name: Cycadophyta Main Plant Group: Cone bearing seeds Characteristics: Resemble palm trees, very large leaves. Habitat: Found mostly in tropical areas Reproduction: Pollination Ex: Sea sago and cycas revolutae Info: Many endangered from loss of their habitat.
Common Name: Ginkgo Phyla Name: Ginkgophyta Main Plant Group: Cone Bearing Seed Characteristics: Fanlike Leaves, Shooting Branches Habitat: In Deciduous Forests in China Reproduction: Reproduce by seeds in cones Ex: Ginkgo Biloba Info: Ginkgo Biloba last remaining species
Common Name: Conifers Phyla Name: Coniferophyta Main Plant Group: Cone bearing seed plants Characteristics: Have needles instead of leaves Habitat: Northern Hemisphere, Warm/Cold Reproduction: Seeds in cones, seeds protect embryos. Examples: Cedar, Redwood, Pine, Fir. Info: Evergreens grow very quickly
Common Name: Flowering Plants Phyla Name: Anthophyta Main Plant Group: Flowering Seed Characteristics: Flowers/Fruit with Vascular System, Has Pollen Habitat: Warm/Cold Reproduction: Flower protects the plant gametes and eggs. The fruit is the ovary Examples: Apple Trees, Water Lillies Info: Most fruit we consume comes from this phyla. o f a .flower.