Visit to St. Francis Episcopal Church Cross Curricular Activities
Horticulture Activity Name that plant
What flower is the angel holding?
Name this plant… Hint…ants help to pollinate this plant
Name this plant… Hint…it doesn’t like bananas.
Name this plant… Hint…Wilmington has a festival every April in celebration of this plant.
Name this plant… Patience is a virtue.
Name this tree…
1.Investigate the dates on the plaque below. 2.Select the birth and death dates on one individual on the plaque. 3.Use the following website to research events in U.S. History that would have occurred during that person’s lifetime. TIMELINE
4.Now, select one of the events that occurred during the person’s lifetime and make a 3-slide PowerPoint to explain to your classmates what the significance of the events to the time period. 5.Finally, write a letter as if it were written by the person on the plaque. Have him or her discuss their reactions to the event you researched. Read this letter aloud to to the class.
Plants in History
The Columbian Exchange 1.Click on the links below to read about the Columbian Exchange. Try to determine which plants were brought to America by the Europeans and which plants the Europeans carried with them back to their own countries. The Columbian Exchange 2.Now, select one of the plants that traveled in either direction across the ocean and write a paragraph to explain the impact of this plant reaching new people. Exchange Chart
Go herehere
Go backback What name appears on all 3 gravestones? Research this family’s ancestry? Begin your search here. here What predictions can be made from the facts on the gravestones? Choose a time period engraved on one of the grave stones. Create a 5-slide PowerPoint that shows what life might have been like during this time period. Begin your search Design the Coxe family coat of arms. Color it. Begin your research here. here Find a popular song during a time period found on one of the grave stones. Copy the lyrics. Find 5 literary terms found in the song. Mark and label the literary terms.