Three Views Of Afterlife Epicurean: materialism Stoic: soul merges w. deity Platonism Memory Death “Once a man dies and the earth drinks up his blood, there is no resurrection” (ct. Ac.17:32)
Mt.28:1 “One should go to the cemetery to check the dead w/in three days and not fear that such smacks of pagan practices; it once happened that a (buried) man was visited and went on to live another 25 years” (Mishna) Mk.16:1
Mt.28:12, three undeniable facts 1.They were on guard to prevent the theft of a body 2.The body was in the tomb when the stone was sealed 3.The body was no longer there
Mt.28:15 Jews used treachery to arrest Him, illegality to try Him, slander to charge Him, and bribery to silence the truth about Him The rumor was repeated in the middle of 2nd century (Justin)
Acts 2, Peter on the attack Who was Jesus; what happened? , 33, present signs confirm truth claims , Jesus’ past signs, additional proof , fulfillment of OT prophecies 4.32, eyewitness testimony
What Does His Resurrection Mean To Me? 1. Jesus is the Son of God, Ro.1:4 Determine, appoint. Cf. Ac.2:36 David’s seed (3) One was marked out / disting- uished from others by act of God: resurrection
The Power (Ro.1:4) Declared with Power... Son of God Declared Son of God with power Friedrich Schleiermacher Half-slain man crawled from tomb Jesus was not a hero or martyr The resurrection sets Him apart
2. Since His sacrifice is accepted, we can be justified, Ro.4:24-25 *Delivered as the victim (our sacrifice), because we had offended *Raised because of our justifica- tion (in the interest of justification) If He remained in the tomb, He could not finish His work of atonement (Hb.9:12, 24)
3. Basis for our new life, Ro.6:4 Purpose of our sharing His DBR: a. Negative (old life of sin) b. Positive (new life of righteous- ness) Newness is not so much youth as novelty (w/o precedent in our experience)
4. He is our intercessor, Ro.8:34 Lk.22:32-33 Our Friend in high places pleads for us
5. He is Lord, Ro.14:9 14:7 does not say we affect other people 14:7-9, we live as servants of our Lord One purpose of His death and resurrection: Lord of dead and living
6. He will judge the world, Ac.17:31 1. Universal judgment 2. Universal sentence. Ps Co.5:10 3. Universal resurrection (1 Co.15) 4. Eternal hell, fire, darkness
7. All the dead will be raised, Jn.5:26, I fear no foe, with Thee at hand to bless; Ills have no weight, and tears no bitterness. Where is death’s sting? Where, grave, thy victory? I triumph still, if Thou abide with me!