Comunicación y Gerencia Class of St. Moses the Black 3 rd and 4 th Grade
Servants: Nermen Maivel Diana Mina (1726) Welcome Parents!
Today’s Meeting Bible Study Hymns and Songs Visitations Trips Class Website Year-long goals
Daily Bible Reading and Study Every day the kids will read one chapter in the Bible After, they will have four required questions to answer There are more to answer if they choose on the Diocese website We will start this year with the Gospel of St. Matthew The kids will have a folder for all of their questions, to be checked and brought to class weekly Questions are provided by the Diocese
Hymns and Songs Every week in class we will recite songs and hymns We plan to perform these spiritual songs during the New Year’s and at other church gatherings We will have practice sessions in the few weeks before the performance outside of class on Friday or Saturday We will try many songs/hymns and choose the best to perform
Visitations The servants will try to visit each child at least one time per year We will do a spiritual topic and/or Bible study We will let you know a few weeks in advance
Class Trips We will try to have one class trip every month These are the plans so far –November: Corn Maze –December: Bethlehem Walk –January: Monkey Joe’s –February: Spiritual Day with Abouna Please let us know if you have any ideas
Class Website In order to better communicate with our kids and their parents, we have created a class web page This will have all of our class details Website:
Year Long Goal: Building a Relationship with God 1.Reading the Bible every day 2.Pray every day: Thanksgiving Prayer 3.Spiritual Notebook (sacraments) Bring every week 4.Agpeya Reading
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