Implementation Drivers: Selection The contents of this presentation were developed under a grant from the U.S. Department of Education, #H323A However, these contents do not necessarily represent the policy of the U.S. Department of Education, and you should not assume endorsement by the Federal Government. Project Officer, Jennifer Coffey.
Poll Question #1 Where are you in the selection process? Planning Phase Conducted one round of selection Conducted multiple rounds of selection
2011 Oklahoma State Personnel Development Grant (OK SPDG II) Objective 1.1: After attending cross training, at least 30 sites currently implementing either Response to Intervention (RtI) or Positive Behavioral Interventions or Supports (PBIS) will adopt and implement the Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS).
TRAIN Training in Response to Assessment and Instructional Needs (TRAIN) is the support system developed and funded by the Oklahoma SPDG II to provide training and support to selected sites interested in implementing OTISS. Training and support are provided in multiple forms and across several different levels of intensity depending on where the site is in current implementation of a tiered system of support.
TRAIN Services to Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS) Sites LEVEL I (UNIVERSAL) Designed to Assist: Schools not currently implementing a tiered system of academic and behavioral supports, but interested in Oklahoma’s model, the Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS) Schools currently implementing a tiered system of either academic and behavioral supports, but lacking one or more of the specific components necessary for OTISS. Expected Clients: ALL SITES INTERESTED IN IMPLEMENTING OTISS HAVE ACCESS TO LEVEL I (UNIVERSAL) SUPPORT. Services: Sites that apply for support through the OK SPDG II and are not selected to receive LEVEL II or Level III services are automatically added as a Level I OTISS Site. In addition, sites can be added as a Level I OTISS Site at any time by contacting the OK SPDG II staff at the Oklahoma State Department of Education. Level I OTISS Sites will be provided information via on trainings, resources, and documents regarding implementing OTISS as they become available. The OTISS Web site is currently being revamped to support sites in implementing OTISS.
TRAIN Services to Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS) Sites LEVEL II (Intensive) LEVEL III (Targeted) Designed to Assist: Schools implementing a tiered system of either academic and behavioral supports, but lacking one or more of the specific components necessary for implementing Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS) Designed to Assist: Schools implementing a tiered system of academic and behavioral supports and ready to scale up to full implementation with fidelity of Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS) Expected Clients: OTISS Level I Sites implementing most areas assessed on the OTISS Fidelity Checklist at a high level of fidelity, but needing additional support to achieve full fidelity PBIS Model Sites implementing at a high level of fidelity RtI Pilot Sites implementing at a high level of fidelity Expected Clients: Any OTISS Level II Site Services: Any Level I activity that is appropriate Highly-focused technical assistance and coaching Incudes minimum of one site visit a month from external coach Note: Approximately 10 sites selected through the application process could be served with available resources at this level. Services: Any Level II activity that is appropriate Technical assistance/coaching and training activities based on consultation to identify needs for implementing a blended model of academic and behavioral supports Includes on-site visits by an external coach as needed to address targeted concerns Note: Approximately five sites selected through the application process could be served with available resources at this level.
TRAIN Services to Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS) Sites MAINTENANCE SITE SUPPORT Designed to Assist: Schools which have achieved fidelity of implementation of Oklahoma Tiered Intervention System of Support (OTISS) based upon the OTISS Fidelity Checklist with an overall fidelity of 80% or above. Expected Clients: Any former OTISS Level III Site Services: Quarterly visits by an external coach and/or SPDG II Staff Technical assistance as needed Feedback on the site’s current level of OTISS implementation based upon the OTISS Fidelity Assessment which will be conducted at least twice during the school year
Selection Process: OTISS Informational Meeting Annual OTISS Kick-Off Meeting includes presentations on: OTISS; TRAIN Services; OTISS Tools and Documents; Site-Based Examples of the Support Provided through TRAIN (OTISS In Action); and The OTISS Application and Selection Process.
Poll Question #2 Who is involved in the selection process? SPDG core staff only SPDG core staff plus partners and/or consultants SPDG core staff plus partners and/or consultants, and district and/or site based personnel
Selection Process: OTISS Application The OTISS Application includes: Basic Information and School Demographics; Key Personnel and OTISS Team Members; Questions pertaining to Site Readiness and Site Commitment; and Superintendent’s and Principal’s Signatures.
OTISS Application Rating Checklist
Selection Process: OTISS On-Site Visit Form (New Sites) The sites that receive the highest scores on their applications receive an on-site visit by SPDG II staff prior to the selection of sites. An on-site visit form with rating scale is utilized to determine where the site is currently performing in implementing Response to Intervention (RtI) and/or Positive Behavioral Interventions and Supports (PBIS). If the site participated as a previous Level II or Level III OTISS Site, the OSDE will already have implementation documentation for the site; therefore, an additional visit may not be required.
OTISS On-Site Visit Form with Rating Scale
Selection Process: OTISS Fidelity Assessment (Previous OTISS Sites)
Selection Process: Letter of Agreement from Selected Sites
Poll Question #3 Do you have a process/criteria in place for discontinuing support/services? Yes No
Oklahoma State Department of Education, State Personnel Development Grant (SPDG) Christa Knight, Project Director, SPDG (405) Cheryl Huffman, SPDG External Evaluator (405)