Scoring Guide for Portfolio Completion Using Six Traits Limited range of words are displayed in stories and poems in the portfolio. Some vocabulary misused in stories and poems. Unclear and inaccurate. Reader can’t focus on meaning of writing in portfolio. Words displayed in the stories and poems in the portfolio are monotonous, often repetitious, sometimes inappropriate and unclear. Writer not aware of audience. The writing isn’t engaging or insightful. Words displayed in the stories and poems in the portfolio may be correct but mundane. No attempt at deliberate choice. The writer’s voice may be inappropriate or non-existent. Tone is generally used correctly at certain points of the story. Language in portfolio is functional and appropriate. Descriptions may be overdone at times. The writer is genuine and generally involved in the topic. The tone is appropriate. Writing in portfolio is descriptive, broad range of words. Word choice energizes writing. The writer confident and effective with style and voice. Writing in portfolio is clear, concise, to the point. Expressive, engaging, sincere. Strong sense of audience. Voice/Word Choice Lack of coherence in stories and poems displayed in portfolio; confusing. No identifiable introduction or conclusion. The writing lacks direction due to ideas and details being loosely connected Illogical flow that hinders understanding No organization is evident throughout portfolio. Lack of structure in stories and poems displayed in portfolio disorganized and hard to follow. Missing or weak intro and conclusion. Organization provides some signs of development, but not effective. Transitions are weak; connections between ideas are difficult to follow. Lack of structure. Attempts at organization in portfolio are evident; may be a “List” of stories and poems. Beginning and ending of stories and poems are not developed. Organization has been attempted, but is ineffective. Portfolio shows organization and is appropriate, but conventional Attempt at introduction and conclusion is general Generally consistent throughout stories and poems Organization is effective and efficient with overall structure. Attempt at Introduction and conclusion. Portfolio is in strong order and structure Inviting intro and satisfying closur Consistency throughout each creative piece Organization enhances the main idea, and is controlled order, structure, and presentation move the reader through the pieces effectively. Portfolio effectively organized in logical and creative manner Creative and engaging intro and conclusion Balance throughout each piece Organization is well controlled, with logical sequence of reasons and strong transitions. Portfolio includes no well-written stories and poems. Shows no objectivity, accuracy, clarity, appropriate style and language type for each article. Does not have enough to judge completely (less than 4) Portfolio includes weak stories and poems. Creative Pieces are hardly balanced. Shows no objectivity, accuracy, clarity, appropriate style and language type for each article. Has less than 5 selected works Portfolio includes some creative pieces, but they are not fully developed. Pieces are not all balanced. Shows few signs of objectivity, accuracy, clarity, appropriate style and language type for each article. Has 5 pieces included some with some degree of length Portfolio includes basic stories and poems. Creative Pieces are somewhat balanced. Shows some objectivity, accuracy, clarity, appropriate style and language type for each piece. Has at least 6 selections and some are lengthy Portfolio includes edited effective stories and poems. Creative pieces are balanced. Shows objectivity, accuracy, clarity, appropriate style and language type for each piece. Has a minimum of 8 selected works Portfolio includes polished and well-written stories and poems Every piece is balanced Shows objectivity, accuracy, clarity, appropriate style and language type for each piece. Portfolio goes beyond expectations. Portfolio has at least 10 pieces Ideas and Content Unsatisfactory Response 1 Point Insufficient Response 2 Points Uneven Response 3 Points Sufficient Response 4 Points Skillful Response 5 Points Excellent Response 6 Points Fully Developed DevelopedDeveloping Not Developed Organiztion/Fluency Conventions No mistakes in spelling, grammar & convenitons Manipulation of conventions may occur for stylistic effect Strong use of punctuation or word placement guides reader through text Strong control of standard writing conventions- deviations are obviously poetic liense Little need to edit control over conventions but wide range is not demonstrated Few errors Moderate need to edit Some control over basic conventions BUT frequent errors & misspelling Errors don’t block meaning but are distracting Paragraphs run together or begin incorrectly Error in grammar & useage impedes meaning Little control of writing conventions Frequent mistakes in spelling & punctuation & paragraphing Obscures meaning