Going All Out for Kids in Harlem
Young Life at a Glance …
Founded in 1941 Non-profit Non-denominational
We i ntroduce adolescents to Jesus Christ and help them grow in their faith. The Young Life Mission Statement
We are OUT THERE in the world of kids.
Contact Work “Earning the right to be heard.” Building bridges of authentic relationships
INVITING in all that we do. We invite kids to experience theBEST!
The best night of the week. Club
The best week of their life. Camp
We witness CHANGED LIVES as kids meet Christ.
The best life has to offer. Campaigners
A FIRM FOUNDATION Established. Making a difference since A world-class organization dedicated to effective ministry.
Committee Adults who care deeply about kids.
For every kid …
Multicultural Ministry
Four Areas of Focus for Young Life Harlem…
1.Our ministry is a CAMPAIGNER & DISCIPLESHIP driven ministry. –Focus on a small group of individuals to impact the masses 2.Our ministry has a LEADERSHIP DEVELOPMENT focus that includes adults and kids. –Create a leadership program that trains and deploys healthy spiritual leaders
3. Our ministry is COMMUNITY FOCUSED –Connecting with schools, churches, and other social service orgs. 4. Our ministry maintains FINACIAL HEALTH. –Great stewardship over funds and seeking funding for growth and ministry intiatives
More Than Numbers …
Goals for the School Year 1 HS (Wadleigh Secondary School) 1 JHS (Pam’s school) 1 specialized HS 500 kids known by name 50 kids at Club weekly 20 kids at Campaigners weekly 100 kids going to summer camp (WL & YL) 10 strong leaders (assisting w club, campaigners, and camp) $110,000 budget (Harlem board focus)
We invite you to join our team …
Leadership Matrix a chance to give your best… Nehemiah Project YL Leadership Program Leadership Support Team Harlem Resource Team Gideon Program: Team 300 You were made for this! Director of each team or program will sit on Board
The Team “300” Impact 150 donors at $25 = $45, donors at $50 = $48, donors at $75= $36, donors at $100= $24, donors at $200 = $24, donors = $177,000 * Numbers are based on giving per month over 3yr pd The Gideon Program
What were you made for?