Bell Work Take out your Europe in WWI map from yesterday… What geographic factor made it unlikely that WWI battles would be fought in Great Britain (the United Kingdom) in your map? Make a 3 column chart with the headings: Triple Alliance, Triple Entente and Other. Place all countries labeled on the map in the proper column
Expectations Today we will continue our notes on the causes of WWI. You are expected to listen attentively to the lecture, and copy the notes as instructed. This is individual work, so I expect you not to talk or have side conversations. If you have a question or have a comment to share raise your hand. Please don’t shout out answers. Stay in your seats. Do not get up for any reason without asking. I’ll know you are on task when I see everyone listening, writing and thinking. I believe everyone can do this however, if anyone chooses to not follow expectations they will be sent to the back table or outside of the classroom to work individually. Questions?
World War I Notes
Essential Question: Why did all of Europe end up in a war in 1914?
What do you see in this picture What do you see in this picture? What does this tell us about what war was like during World War I?
Causes of WWI – MANIA! Militarism - policy of building up a strong military to prepare for war Alliances – agreements between nations to provide aid and protect one another Nationalism – extreme pride in one’s country Imperialism – when one country takes over another country economically and politically. Assassination – of Austrian Archduke Francis Ferdinand
1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditures Militarism 1910-1914 Increase in Defense Expenditures France 10% Britain 13% Russia 39% Germany 73%
-The major European countries start to build up the biggest military possible Start drafting men to create bigger armies Focus on creating bigger and better weapons -European Generals all start planning on how to win a war
As countries build up their military, Europeans want to make sure they won’t be attacked Europeans start to make alliances to make sure that no one will attack them
Alliances Triple Alliance Triple Entente
Nationalism Nationalism posed a problem for Austria-Hungary and the Balkans, areas comprised of many conflicting national groups. Serbia’s strong Pan-Slavism and Russia's willingness to support Serbia conflicted with Austria-Hungary's Pan-Germanism.
Small ethnic groups still do not have their own countries Countries like Serbia and Bosnia wanted to create a unified nation of Slavic peoples Slavic Peoples = people from places like Russia, Bulgaria, Serbia, Romania, etc. – all speak similar languages and practice similar religions Austria-Hungary would not let this happen - this caused rebel groups to form to fight against the Austrians
Bell Work Based on the factors discussed so far, which one do you think was the biggest cause of World War I? Why?
Imperialism Imperialism helps cause WWI by creating tension between European countries Since Europeans were competing for resources, they were looking for any chance to gain territory from others and keep their colonies safe This was part of the reason why they started to build up their militaries
European Conquest of Africa
The “Spark”
Assassination Archduke Franz Ferdinand and Duchess Sophie at Sarajevo, Bosnia, on June 28th, 1914.
Austrian Archduke Franz Ferdinand was killed in Bosnia by a Serbian nationalist group called the Black Hand who believed that Bosnia should belong to Serbia.
Domino Effect Austria blamed Serbia for Ferdinand’s death and declared war on Serbia. Germany pledged their support for Austria -Hungary. Russia pledged their support for Serbia.
Domino Effect Germany declares war on Russia. France pledges their support for Russia. Germany declares war on France. Germany invades Belgium on the way to France. Great Britain supports Belgium and declares war on Germany.
Aug. 3 - Germans invade Belgium Germany adopts Schlieffen plan to fight both France and Russia Take out France first by invading Belgium Aug. 3 - Germans invade Belgium Aug. 4 – Britain declares war on Germans for invading Belgium
Allied Powers Central Powers World War I
(what happened after Assassination) World War I Flow Chart On a separate sheet of paper, create a flow chart that explains the causes of WWI. For each box, write a 1-2 sentence explanation of how that factor set the stage for WWI. Think what order they should go in – if one thing leads to the next, what (what happened after Assassination) World War I
Reflection Question Looking at the events that caused WWI, who do you think is mostly to blame for causing the war? Is anyone to blame? Explain your answer. (3-5 sentences) Write your answer to this question on the same paper as the flow chart