Causes of World War I
France Russia Germany Austria- Hungary Great Britain Italy Serbia Ottoman n Empire Romania Bulgaria Greece Belgium
Militarism Expansion of military power and resources in European Nations Belief that military power was essential to maintaining the balance of influence Arms race Powerful military leaders Social Darwinism
Alliances Agreements among nations to help/support each other in case of attack Made it impossible for some countries to stay out of conflict
France Germany Austria Hungary Italy Great Britain Serbia Ottoman Empire Russia Belgium Romania Bulgaria
Imperialism Goal and process of building empires Economic rivalries Race to amass colonies Suspicion
Nationalism Patriotic feelings, principles or efforts Sense of ‘us’ and ‘them’ Led to feelings of national superiority
The Stage Serbia was angry over the annexation of Bosnia by Austria Hungary- considered it a Serbian homeland- fought several small wars to gain territory Russia, Britain, France- The Triple Entente- would become the Allied Powers Germany, Austria Hungary, Italy (who would switch sides) the Ottoman Empire- The Triple Alliance- would become the Central Powers
The Spark June of Archduke Franz Ferdinand- heir to the Austria-Hungarian throne- and his wife Sophie visit Sarajevo, Bosnia Gavrillo Princip- Serbian nationialist and member of the terrorist organization the Black Hand plan the assassination Despite initial failure, the Archduke’s car makes a wrong turn, and Princip shoots both of them
Rising Action After securing Germany’s support, Austria-Hungary issues a set of demands to Serbia –Serbia calls on its ally Russia, and refuses/is unable to meet Austria- Hungary’s demands
Dominos Falling July 28, Austria Hungary declares war on Serbia –Germany declare war on Russia, then attacks Russia’s ally, France –Travel through Belgium to attack France, violating Belgium’s neutrality- forcing Great Britain to enter the war
Works Cited Mintz, S., & McNeil, S. (2016). World War I. Digital History. Retrieved January 28, 2016, from ?eraID=11&smtID=2