National Tsing Hua University ® copyright OIA National Tsing Hua University HSA HW1
National Tsing Hua University ® copyright OIA National Tsing Hua University HW1 In this homework, we want you to write 4 simple OpenCL programs. – Prefix sum – Finite Difference – Matrix Transpose – Matrix Multiplication Each program earns 3 points of your final grades.
National Tsing Hua University ® copyright OIA National Tsing Hua University Prefix sum & Finite Difference The first number is the number of input data. Input data : Output data : – Prefix Sum : – Finite difference :
National Tsing Hua University ® copyright OIA National Tsing Hua University Matrix Transpose & Matrix Multiplication The first and second number is the row and column of the Matrix. Matrix Transpose Input data : Output : answer after transposition. – without the number of row and column In Matrix Multiplication We will give you two input file mtx1, mtx2. Mtx1 Input data : Mtx2 input data : Output : answer after Multiplication. – without the number of row and column
National Tsing Hua University ® copyright OIA National Tsing Hua University HW1 We want you to write not only GPU part, but a CPU side to verify the answer of GPU. We will announce your server IP and account in iLMS. Don't copy others code, you will get 0 points. DEADLINE : 3/23 11:55pm