Academic Promotions Applicant Information Session Thursday 6 February 2014 Provost and Deputy Vice-Chancellor Professor Stephen Garton
Academic promotion policy ›Promotion is one strategy to reward and support retention of high performing staff – other options exist ›Applicants must provide current evidence of their ability to perform at the level for which promotion is sought (i.e. promotion is not a reward for lifetime achievement, or time served) ›Teaching and research are core activities ›Service – University, discipline/profession, community ›Assessment is by a committee of peers with ability to “benchmark” promotion across the University ›You must have completed a formal performance review (AP&D or equivalent) in the previous 15 months, or complete one by 30 June to be eligible for promotion 2
Preparing yourself for promotion ›Read the Academic Promotions policy, procedures and guidelines for applicants ›Overtly incorporate promotion criteria into your application ›Focus on achievements since appointment or last promotion ›Provide independently verifiable evidence ›Don't double-dip in the use of evidence 3
Preparing yourself for promotion ›No interviews for Levels B – D ›Familiarize yourself with the criteria required for promotion particularly via the Education and Research-focused streams ›LPC can change stream in which an applicant has applied (but only where they would otherwise be unsuccessful) 4
Three Promotion streams The University of Sydney recognises three streams for promotion: ›Teaching and Research ›Education-focused ›Research-focused 5
Minimum Required Standards for Promotion 6 TEACHING AND RESEARCH STREAM – Minimum required standards Promotion sought Teaching standard Research standard Service standard Comment Level A to Level B; Level B to Level C; Level C to Level D Superior or Outstanding SuperiorAt least one Outstanding is required Level D to Level EOutstanding SuperiorN/A Promotion sought Teaching standard Research standard Service standard Comment AllExceptionalSuperior or Satisfactory Superior or Satisfactory At least one Superior is required, in either Research or Service EDUCATION FOCUSSED STREAM – Minimum required standards RESEARCH FOCUSSED STREAM – Minimum required standards Promotion sought Teaching standard Research standard Service standard Comment AllSuperior or Satisfactory ExceptionalSuperior or Satisfactory At least one Superior is required, in either Teaching or Service
Regardless of Pathway Promotion does not change the type of role to which you have been appointed – either teaching and research, research or teaching intensive 7
Preparing the case for promotion ›Providing verifiable evidence – USE information, grants, awards, publications, ›Focus on personal achievement and development since appointment or last promotion -lifetime record a factor, but not as important ›Resist the temptation to overstate achievement, for example -carefully document your part in shared activities -don’t recycle achievements ›Relative to opportunity 8
Preparing the case for promotion ›Get help! -Seek advice from your mentor/discipline head -Get someone to read through the application -Reflect honestly on your competitive position 9
Academic Promotions – Historical Statistics 10 Number of applicants and promotions
Points to Remember ›Build Relationships: -Mentor, supervisor, the Dean, referees (international) ›Communication: -Written application - Get someone else to read it ›All three promotion criteria are valued -Balanced approach to performance -You will not succeed on any one criterion alone ›If you’re unsuccessful in applying for Promotion -Discuss with your supervisor, Dean, Chair of LPC 11