Welcome to 2H Thank you for taking the time to come in this evening.
Our class 2H consists of 25 students. 10 girls & 15 boys At Oatley Public School this year there are 3 year 2 classes 2H (Mrs Vanessa Hewitt) 2W (Mrs Kathryn Worthington) 2C (Mrs Krysia Caldwell) And a 1 / 2 composite class (Miss Amy Downs-Tuck)
Class Climate and Philosophy: I aim to establish a classroom that promotes: - A positive environment - Challenging activities - Independence - A balanced curriculum - Meaningful and stimulating learning - Strict but fair rules - An approachable teacher - Positive self esteem (“always do our best”) - A love of learning - Developing individual abilities and talents - Reflection
Monday: Music Groups – Dance, Choir, Music Room Tuesday: Got Game Term 1, Italian Wednesday: Scripture, Music, Mrs Edwards Thursday: Homework is due Friday: Library, Computer Lab, Homework is sent home iPads included in various subjects throughout the week. Our Timetable
At the morning bell, the children are to line up under the Cola in their classes. Children should be encouraged go to the toilet and wash their hands before lining up. The Northern playground is out of bounds before school. No child is permitted to enter a classroom without a teacher. The assembly area is a congested space so for the safety of your children please move to the side or vacate the walkway area so we can get ourselves across the road. Arriving at school
Punctuality is for your children – late arrivals or early departures please sign in/out at the office Label all belongings before they come to school Please send any money to the office Send in absence notes if your child has been absent Please let the office know, or send a note with your child, it there are any changes to afternoon pick up procudures Canteen open Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday (place lunch orders before school) Return Library books before school on Friday Please Remember…
Lunches: Please ensure lunch orders have your child’s name and class written on them with money attached. We promote healthy eating at O.P.S so please pack healthy options for lunch and fruitbreak. Birthdays: Children are welcome to bring in cakes or treats to celebrate their birthday. If you wish to do so, please make sure they are pre-cut or in individual portions like cupcakes, as these can be easily distributed and there are no knives on the premises. There are 25 children in 2H Please keep in mind that Oatley Public School is a nut free zone. Food at School
Please encourage and help your children to wear the full school uniform. The school hat is part of the school uniform and must be worn on the playground at all times. No hat = no play. Wet weather – Students should have a raincoat in their schoolbag. LABEL EVERYTHING Please teach your child to tie up their own shoe laces to promote self reliance and confidence. School Uniform
We use a common language across the school when it comes to behaviour in the classroom and in the playground. Our values include: -Integrity - Participation -Respect - Fairness -Excellence - Democracy -Responsibility - Care -Cooperation School/ Class Values
Rewards System Term 1 x2 Homework Awards (5 weeks of English and Mathematics activities completed) x2 Merit Awards = AP Award Term 2 x2 Homework Awards (5 weeks of English and Mathematics activities completed) x2 Merit Awards = AP Award Term 3 x2 Homework Awards (5 weeks of English and Mathematics activities completed) x2 Merit Awards = AP Award 3 x AP =Principals Award Term 4x2 Homework Awards (5 weeks of English and Mathematics activities completed) x2 Merit Awards = AP Award + Principal award = School Medallion
The whole school uses a behaviour thermometer. This ensures that students are aware of the expectations of their behaviour and the consequences if they make the wrong choice. It also ensures consistent Teacher judgement in the playground and in individual classrooms. If two yellow cards are given to a child in one day = automatic red card If two red cards are given to a student within one term = Parents will be notified. There is a ‘reflection room’ used. In this classroom students who have consistently made the wrong choice will spend some of their lunch time thinking and writing about their actions. They will also discuss alternative actions if the same situation should arise in the future. Whole School Discipline System:
Our classroom guidelines align with the School’s Values System and were created by the children. Smile, be happy and have fun Concentrate, listen and follow directions Respect your classmates, teacher and equipment Be kind and use nice words Be safe Try your best 2H’s Class Guidelines:
Consequences: Time to and If students are not following our classroom guidelines the following will happen: First verbal warning Name on the sad face on the board Cross next to name (loss of a Dojo Point) Yellow card and have to go to Mrs Worthington for time out. 2 yellow cards / Red card - Reflection Room at Fruit Break Behaviour that improves will have their name rubbed of sad face 2H Behaviour Management System
Class Dojo points for both positive reinforcement and consequences.
Homework helps establish the habits of study, concentration and discipline. Parents also have the opportunity to see their child progress. Homework is given out on a Friday and brought back on a Thursday. Oral reading is recommended for minutes per night and other homework tasks for about 10 minutes. Homework
Reading at least 3 times per week – fill out Home Reading diary Spelling (look, say, cover, write, check nightly) Spelling grid activity (one per week) Maths mentals book – one unit per week Home readers – change regularly News – fortnightly Optional – Mathletics (levelled tasks assigned) Year 2 Homework
Take an interest in your child’s homework Support your child in setting aside time each day for homework Monitor homework by ensuring all tasks are completed Communicate with teachers any concerns you have Encourage your children to read and take and interest in current events Alert the school of any change in circumstances that may affect your child and their ability to complete homework How can you help with homework?
Read with your child every night. It is a great idea to read the same book for more than one day. This promotes sightword recognition and repetition helps to promote fluency and understanding of a text. Model ‘sounding out’ the words and use thinking out loud strategies e.g. I know that it starts with a ‘s’ sound and ends with a ‘t’ sound... Look at the punctuation – have your child point to a capital letter, full stop, question mark etc. Talk about the book – make predictions, ask what happened in the beginning, middle and end of the story. Who was your favourite character and why??? Reading
Why home reading is so important
We will have parent helpers for Reading Groups beginning Term 2 - Please indicate on the sign in sheet if you would like to help. Please remember that when you volunteer to help in the classroom, you act with discretion and confidentiality. A child’s individual progress and classroom behaviour should not be discussed with any other parents. This is a topic for the classroom teacher and an individual child’s parents to discuss. Please fill out a declaration form (from the office) if you have not already. Classroom Helpers
Library – Mrs Thomas will take the children for their Friday Library lesson. The focus of the library lessons will be texts and activities linked to our History Unit. In class we will be reading Premiers Reading Challenge books so all children will be completing this. Students will need to bring a library bag in order to borrow books. Italian Program – Signora Johnstone Music – Caine Wheatley Maths/History – Mrs Lauren Edwards Got Game – Various PE teachers Scripture - Scripture takes place every Wednesday at 9:50am – 10:20am. Other Whole School Programs
School Stream app Oatley Public School website Weekly Homework Sheet Keeping Informed
School Stream
If you wish to meet with me – call the office of catch me after school to make an appointment. Contact
Make sure your child has all their equipment (paint shirts) Check homework to make sure it is all completed Read with your child Speak positively about school to your child Allow your children to be independent – encourage them to be resilient and self sufficient How can you help
Any Questions??
Thank you again for coming along tonight, I look forward to working with you this year to help your child achieve their educational goals. Thank you!