HSCI-E175 Self and Society: A Cultural History of Psychology Instructor: Susan Lanzoni, Ph.D.
Psychological Sciences as: “ techniques for the disciplining of human difference: individualizing humans through classifying then calibrating their capacities and conducts, inscribing and recording their attributes and deficiencies, managing and utilizing their individuality and variability.” Nikolas Rose, Inventing Ourselves (1998) p. 105
Human Kinds and Looping Effects “To create new ways of classifying people is also to change the ways we can think of ourselves, to change our sense of self- worth, even how we remember our own past. This in turn generates a looping effect, because people of the kind behave differently and so are different.” Ian Hacking, The Looping Effects of Human Kinds, p. 369.
Aristotelian Souls nutritive soul (possessed by plants) sensitive soul (animals) rational soul (possessed exclusively by humans)
THEMES in the History of Psychology 1) representations of mind 2) places where science is enacted or practiced 3) methods, tools and technologies 4) popular, literary, and visual understandings 5) practical domains of application 6) moral, political ideas of normality
Phrenological Heads Diagram from W. Mattieu Williams, A Vindication of Phrenology. London, Taken from
Rizzolatti, “Both of us disgusted in my insula” Neuron, vol. 40, 2003 Keysers et al “A Touching Sight SII/PV Activation during the Observation and Experience of Touch” Neuron, 42: , 2004
Happy faces perception – MEG Normal controls (NC) and Autistic Spectrum Disorders (ASD) Courtesy of: Nouchine Hadjikhani MartinosSCAN 2007