Baltimore CSI100 Final Project Molly Norris
Objective To better inform people about Baltimore (my home town) To show my skills the I have acquired in MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, MS FrontPage, and Java Applet Show my peers the interest I have in Baltimore
Thing on my Web Page A word document of my proposal My power point explaining my website A Java Applet counting down until the next Ravens Browns game Excel spread sheet on crime rates in Baltimore Pictures Other links
Why I Chose Baltimore I was born and raised in Baltimore There are so many historical facts about Baltimore I want to inform people about some of the great parts of Baltimore I want to let people know some of the parts of Baltimore I am passionate about.
Baltimore… Fast Facts Baltimore is the largest city in Maryland Baltimore was founded in 1729 Baltimore was named after a person of the name Lord Baltimore (the founder of Maryland) The inner harbor has been an important port since the 18th century
Problems I Encountered Choosing a topic Finding an java applet to fit my subject Finding data that is recent Linking ideas to one another Creating a fun and informative presentation See final project