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1 Which of these are your belongings- your toys or your hands?
1 Your toys are your belongings. Home
2 Which of these things would lead to people fleeing- a rainbow or a forest fire?
2 People would flee from a forest fire.
3 If you were in a desert would you crave water or sunlight?
3 If you were in a desert, you would crave water.
4 Which ones are you more likely to correspond with one another- next door neighbors or pen pals?
4 Pen pals would correspond with each other.
5 If you replied to an , did you rewrite it or answer it?
5 If you reply to s, you answer them. Home
6 Which one pleaded? Cal kept asking to go to the movies. Val cleaned up her room.
6 Cal pleaded to go to the movies.
7 Which one is fragrant- a flower or a skunk?
7 A flower is more fragrant.
8 If you grunted your name, would you be easy or hard to hear?
8 Your name would be hard to hear if you grunted it. Home
9 If you smothered your turkey with gravy, would you be taking gravy off or putting a lot on the top?
9 If you smothered your turkey with gravy you would be putting a lot on the top.