The Racing Game of Knowledge How much do you know about possessives? Continue
Teacher Page Divide the class into 5 teams. Assign each team a car/color. Give each team 4 index cards with A, B, C, and D written on them. View the question slides together as a class. Each team should discuss the answer and raise the card of their answer choice. Click to see the answer. Click the car at the bottom of the slide to go to the race track and advance the car of the first team to show the correct answer. Click the Return button to return to the question slide. Click the Next button to move on to the next question. The first team to reach the finish line will win!
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. I went camping B. with my friend Hugo. C. Hugos’ mother and father came too. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A.I helped Mr. and Mrs. Hugo B.set up his tent. C.They thanked me. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. Mrs. Shulman brought B. his basket to hold berries. C. We picked berries for lunch. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. I picked berries B. for an hour. Soon C. its pail was full of berries. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. We couldn’t believe our B. eyes! A skunk was on C. our picnic table. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. Two stripes of white B. fur ran down the C. skunks’ back. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. My brothers said they saw B. a fox near the tent. I don’t C. know if I believe my brother’s story. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. My mom let me use his B. camera. I took lots of C. pictures of everything we saw. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. My younger brother wanted B. to use my fishing rod, but C. I told him it was mines. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. He begged my mom to B. use hers, and she told C. him that he could use it. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. Moms fishing rod is B. pink with purple stripes, so he C. looked pretty silly using it. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. At night, we all slept in our B. tents. My sister slept in mine C. because hers tent was torn. D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.
Which line shows a mistake? Click here to see the answer. A. Camping was fun for B. everyone. We all thought my C. dads idea for our vacation was great! D. (no mistakes) Go to the Race Track.