1 Macromolecules copyright cmassengale. 2 Organic Compounds CompoundsCARBON organicCompounds that contain CARBON are called organic. Macromoleculesorganic.


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Presentation transcript:

1 Macromolecules copyright cmassengale

2 Organic Compounds CompoundsCARBON organicCompounds that contain CARBON are called organic. Macromoleculesorganic moleculesMacromolecules are large organic molecules. copyright cmassengale

3 Carbon (C) Carbon4 electronsCarbon has 4 electrons in outer shell. Carboncovalent bonds 4Carbon can form covalent bonds with as many as 4 other atoms (elements). C, H, O or NUsually with C, H, O or N. copyright cmassengale

4 Macromolecules Large organic molecules that are also POLYMERSLarge organic molecules that are also called POLYMERS. MONOMERS –Made up of smaller “building blocks” called MONOMERS. 4 MAJOR MACROMOLECULES:4 MAJOR MACROMOLECULES: 1. Carbohydrates 2. Lipids 3. Proteins 4. Nucleic acids (DNA and RNA) copyright cmassengale

5 Carbohydrates

6 Carbohydrates Consist of carbon, hydrogen, & oxygenConsist of carbon, hydrogen, & oxygen Monomers: simple sugars (monosaccharide)Monomers: simple sugars (monosaccharide) Functions: Immediate source of energy; some forms provide structure (such as cellulose & chitin)Functions: Immediate source of energy; some forms provide structure (such as cellulose & chitin) copyright cmassengale

7 Carbohydrates Monosaccharide: one sugar Examples:glucose (Examples:glucose (C 6 H 12 O 6 )deoxyriboseribosefructosegalactose copyright cmassengale glucose

8 Carbohydrates Disaccharide: two sugars Examples:Examples: –Sucrose (glucose+fructose) –Lactose (glucose+galactose) fructoseglucose copyright cmassengale

9 Carbohydrates Polysaccharide: many sugar Examples:starch (bread, potatoes) glycogen (beef muscle) chitin (fungi, insects) cellulose (lettuce, corn) glucoseglucose glucoseglucose glucoseglucose glucoseglucose cellulose

10 Lipids copyright cmassengale

11Lipids Consist of carbon, hydrogen, & oxygenConsist of carbon, hydrogen, & oxygen Monomers: fatty acids and glycerolMonomers: fatty acids and glycerol Lipids are NOT soluble in water…hydrophobic molecule.Lipids are NOT soluble in water…hydrophobic molecule. copyright cmassengale

12 Lipids Four functions of lipids: 1.Long term energy storage 2.Protection against heat loss (insulation) 3.Chemical messengers (hormones) 4.Major component of membranes (phospholipids) copyright cmassengale

13 Proteins copyright cmassengale

14 Proteins (Polypeptides) Amino acids bonded together by peptide bonds (polypeptides).Monomers: Amino acids bonded together by peptide bonds (polypeptides). Five functions of proteins:Five functions of proteins: 1.Transport: hemoglobin 2.Regulatory:hormones 3.Movement:muscles 4.Structural:membranes, hair, nails 5.Enzymes:cellular reactions copyright cmassengale

15 Nucleic Acids copyright cmassengale

16 Nucleic acids Monomers:nucleotides (3 components: sugar, phosphate group, nitrogen base)Monomers: nucleotides (3 components: sugar, phosphate group, nitrogen base) Two types:Two types: a. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) a. DNA (Deoxyribonucleic acid) stores genetic information in segments called genes b. RNA (Ribonucleic acid) b. RNA (Ribonucleic acid) involved in the protein synthesis process copyright cmassengale

17 Nucleic acids Nucleotides include:Nucleotides include: phosphate group sugar (5-carbon) nitrogen bases: cytosine (C) guanine (G) adenine (A) thymine (T) DNA only uracil (U) RNA only copyright cmassengale