Centre for Planetary Science and Exploration Getting to Space: How hard is it really? Prepared by: Heather Henry & Tyler August
Outline Why bother going to space at all? Why is getting to space difficult? How do we get there now? Getting to space: Future methods ACTIVITY: Space Lander Challenge Getting to Space: How hard is it really?2
Why bother going to space? Getting to Space: How hard is it really?3 Spin-Offs Television Broadcasting Weather prediction GPS Navigation Satellite Telephones National Security Political Bragging
Where is Space?
You are here.
Where is the Space Station? ISS 340km Geosynchronous Satellites 35,786km
Why is getting to space difficult 1.Gravity 2.Politics 3.Money Getting to Space: How hard is it really?7 Image Credit: NASA
Gravity Getting to Space: How hard is it really?8 G = x Nm 2 /kg 2 m 1 = m Earth = × kg m 2 = m you = 60 kg r = r Earth = x 10 6 m 588 N
Escape Velocity: 11.2 km/s = km/hr Getting to Space: How hard is it really?10 Comic from xkcd.com
But wait... Escape velocity means it goes up and out forever. Satellites are at a fixed distance from Earth. Something else must be going on!
Orbits v=8km/s
So......where is space? 100km Below : air is thick enough for planes ; too thick to orbit. Above : air thin enough to orbit ; too thin for planes.
Politics Air space Communication frequencies Technology transfer and arms regulations International treaties Getting to Space: How hard is it really?14 Image Credit: NASA
Money Cost for payload: $13 000/ kg One person (70kg) = $910,000 Getting to Space: How hard is it really?15 Image Credit: ClipArt
How do we get to space now? Getting to Space: How hard is it really?16 Image Credit: NASAImage Credit: Unknown
Why use rockets? Getting to Space: How hard is it really?17 Action Reaction Action Reaction Image Credit: Disney’s WALL-E
Solid-Fuel Rocket
Hybrid Fuel Rocket Image: wikimedia commons Image: Virgin Galactic
Isn't there anything better? After 60 years in Space, we should have some new ideas.
Future methods of transport to space Getting to Space: How hard is it really?22 Space CannonSpace Plane Lightcraft Image Credit: Reaction Engines LTDImage Credit: Quicklaunch, Inc Image Credit: greg goebel Atomic Rockets
Future methods of transport to space Getting to Space: How hard is it really?23 Space ElevatorSpace Catapult Space Tether Image Credit: NASAImage Credit: South East Asian Alliance Image Credit: Tethers Unlimited Inc.
QUESTIONS??? Getting to Space: How hard is it really?24
THANK YOU Getting to Space: How hard is it really?25