Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) News Commenting Blog: jccsstm-eng.spaces.live.com Procedure Step 1 5 students from 6A (Group A) will be assigned to writing their news comments and post them on to the blog Step 2 Other 5 students from 6B (Group B)will be assigned to write their responses to the news comments from 6A Step 3 One week later, Group B students need to write the news comments and Group A students need to make their feedback
Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) News Commenting Blog: jccsstm-eng.spaces.live.com
Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) News Commenting Blog: jccsstm-eng.spaces.live.com VS - Informal - Less stressful - Easy for sharing - Formal - Stressful - Difficult for sharing
Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) News Commenting Blog: jccsstm-eng.spaces.live.com Our Blog Promote peer learning Develop a sharing community Facilitate language learning Reduce stress From TEACHERS’ perspective:
Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) News Commenting Blog: jccsstm-eng.spaces.live.com Our Blog Learn from reading Create topics for discussions Give them ideas for different issues Learn for others From STUDENTS’ perspective:
Ju Ching Chu Secondary School (Tuen Mun) News Commenting Blog: jccsstm-eng.spaces.live.com Downside - Feel stressful writing in the blog -Afraid of being laughed at -Think it is time-consuming -Think that the blog is boring