After World War I, Britain gained Palestine The Jews have been asking for a homeland for a long time. This was known as the Zionist movement Jerusalem is located on this land-which is holy to the Jews Palestinians already lived
According to the Torah, the Land of Israel was promised to the Jews, by God, as their homeland The land became part of the Ottoman Empire The religion of the Empire was Islam The Jews tolerated thousands of years of persecution in their “own” land
After World War I, the League of Nations (what is this?) approved the British Mandate of Palestine (created by the Allied Powers) Jews started heading back to Israel After World War II, Britain gave Palestine to the UN-they didn’t want to make the decisions The UN created a national homeland for the Jewish people They would divide Palestine into two different states- one Jewish and one Arab
The Arabs were not happy with having their land taken from them Arabs refused to accept the plan The Arabs were displaced to three small parts of Israel: The Gaza Strip, West Bank and Golan Heights Israel was frequently attacked by Palestine
The Palestinians were not supported by Britain, who actually received the mandate over Palestine
Israelis were able to expand their borders beyond those given to them in the plan Since then, Israel has been in conflict with many of the neighboring Arab countries This resulted in many wars and decades of violence that continue to this day
Transfer of Powers to the Palestinians- control of the West Bank and Gaza Strip-control over their own affairs Agree to stop fighting and solve all conflicts later-agree to a certain period of peace. All disagreements put on hold Israel responsible for security and protection of borders for Israel and Palestinian borders, Israel settlements and the roads
Israel is bordered by Egypt, Syria, Jordan and Lebanon Mediterranean Sea Surrounded by Arab nations
City of Jerusalem is holy to Islam, Judaism, and Christians The Dome of the Rock is located in Jerusalem The Wailing Wall is located in Jerusalem The Holy Church of the Sepulcher
-Islamic Shrine -Oldest Islamic Building in the World -Completed in 691