Instructions: On paper, write the correct colony with the number it matches…… 14
Emergence of Maryland King Charles I granted 10 million acres, north of Chesapeake Bay to George Calvert, first Lord Baltimore Called Terra Maria, or Maryland, after Catholic Queen Henrietta Maria Lord Baltimore died the same year. Son Cecilius Calvert became Second Lord Baltimore Religious tolerance; Protestants soon outnumbered Catholics By 1700, Maryland’s population was 33,000, half that of Virginia
Life in the Chesapeake Dominated by men. Few married couples & husband or wife likely to die within 7 years Complex families of step-siblings Large # of indentured servants Churches and schools took root very slowly Crude houses, little possessions
Bacon’s Rebellion In 1673, Englishman Nathaniel Bacon set sail for Virginia colony Cousin Governor Sir William Berkeley’s wife, he was given a seat on the colony’s governing council Bacon’s Rebellion broke out in 1676 as the result of social, economic, and political tensions First major uprising in the colonies.
Bacon’s Rebellion ( ) Nathaniel Bacon represents former indentured servants Governor William Berkeley of Jamestown
Resentment in Virginia “Backcountry” residents disadvantaged from older, more established settlers. Wealthy farmers dominated the prime land around the Chesapeake River – fertile land, easier to ship and to sell produce. Gained political influence in the colony. People living closer to town were more secure against attacks by hostile Natives
Susquehannock Attack Susquehannock, angered over stolen land, killed 36 Virginians during winter of Gov. Berkeley refused military forces to protect farmers from the Indians. Demanded peace. Bacon gathered runaway indentures servants, slaves, & frontiersmen to rebel against Berkeley. Attacked natives during summer of 1676 then captured and razed Jamestown, forcing Berkeley to flee across the Chesapeake
Berkley’s Revenge As Bacon’s followers headed home to tend crops in fall 1676, Berkeley dispatched1,100 royal troops from England By the time they arrived, Bacon had died of swamp fever Berkeley hanged 23 rebels without trial
Bacon represents rebels Berkeley refused to meet conditions and erupts into a civil war. Bacon dies, Gov. Berkeley puts down rebellion Consequence of Bacon’s Rebellion Consequence of Bacon’s Rebellion Plantation owners gradually replaced indentured servants with African slaves because it was seen as a better investment in the long term than indentured servitude.
Plymouth, 1620 Humble English, Protestant immigrants, went first to Amsterdam, then Massachusetts Dubbed “Pilgrims” in the 19 th Century. Led by William Bradford Half died the first year, including 13 of the 18 married women Overwhelmed by arrival of 60 non-Pilgrims by the London Company in By 1691, they were absorbed by the larger Puritan communities of Cape Cod
The Mayflower Pilgrims took the Mayflower in 1620 to Plymouth. It took 9 stormy weeks to reach Cape Cod Mayflower Compact – document to maintain order. Gave male church members control of the colony
The Mayflower’s Journey? “After they had enjoyed fair winds and weather for a season, they were encountered many times with cross winds, and met with many fierce storms…one of the main beams in the mid ships was bowed and cracked, which put them in some fear that the ship could not be able to perform the voyage…” Of Plymouth Plantation William Bradford
What would life be like here?
Purpose Unite against enemies Involved MA & CT (not RI) Indian Wars Pequot War, 1644 King Philip’s War, 1675 Confederation dissolves once wars end. Purpose Unite against enemies Involved MA & CT (not RI) Indian Wars Pequot War, 1644 King Philip’s War, 1675 Confederation dissolves once wars end. Not Rhode Island
Population of the New England Colonies
In 1663, King Charles II awarded supporters the land between Virginia and Spanish Florida- became North and South Carolina
Georgia Colony 1732 – English philanthropist, James Oglethorpe and friends received a charter for a colony. wanted it to be a haven for those imprisoned for debt. called it Georgia, after King George II Hoped to prohibit slavery and drinking became a Royal colony in 1752