What if you spent every day of your life hungry?
What if you were forced to fight to the death with innocent people that you don’t know?
Katniss Everdeen is forced to do this in…
The Hunger Games By Suzanne Collins
Katniss Everdeen is a 16 year old girl that lives in district 12 of Panem
With her twelve year old sister prim,
Her mother,
And her best friend Gale
Every year the capitol of Panem has the hunger games
In the Hunger Games, 24 tributes ages are out into an arena to fight to the death
Katniss younger sister Prim was chosen to compete
Katniss volunteers to take her sisters spot
Peeta Mellark is chosen as the tribute boy
Katniss and Peeta take a train to the capitol to prepare for the hunger games
As soon as katniss and Peeta get to the capitol they have to get ready for the tribute parade
Their stylist pick costumes that represent their districts
The next day the tributes begin training
After a few days of training each tribute performs their best skill and get a score from 1-12
Peeta gets a score of 7, and Katniss gets a score of 11
The next day they enter the hunger games arena
Once they enter the arena, Katniss runs into the forest as fast as she can
Katniss decides to spend the night in a tree so other tributes wouldn’t be able to see her as easily
In the morning Katniss wakes up to a fire
She jumps out of the tree and tries to run away
A branch falls and Katniss gets a burn on her leg
Katniss finds a stream and decides to stop and try to clean out her burn and get some water
Out of no where a group of tributes appear and chase Katniss into the woods
Katniss climbs a tree to stay away from them
But they decide to wait to kill her until she comes down
Katniss looks down and notices Peeta with the other tributes
She couldn’t believe that he was trying to kill her
Katniss looks up and sees a 12 year old tribute rue
She notices rue pointing up
She was pointing to a tracker jacker nest
The next morning Katniss climbs up and cuts down the nest and it falls on the other tributes
When the nest falls one of the tributes dies
Katniss decides to team up with rue
Katniss and rue decide to blow up the other tributes food
When Katniss blows up the food she hears rue scream and she was caught in a net
When she gets rue out of the net a tribute throws a spear, Katniss kills him but…
It was to late
And rue dies
But Katniss has to move on
Later the game makers make an announcement, there can now be 2 winners if they are from they same district
Katniss rushes to find Peeta
When katniss finds him he's hurt
The game makers make another announcement, they have something that peeta needs
Katniss goes to get what peeta needs but when she goes, another tribute, clove, tries to kill her
Then out of no where thresh, another tribute, saves Katniss
The next day Katniss and Peeta go to find food, when they come across poisonous berries Katniss decides to save them
Later that day there are dog like animals released into the arena
Katniss and Peeta are chased back to the cornucopia where they find the last tribute Cato
Katniss wants to shoot Cato but if she shoots him, Peeta goes down with him
Peeta draws an X on Cato’s hand in blood
And Katniss knows exactly what he wants her to do
She shoots his hand and when he falls the animals kill him
Then there's an announcement, there can now only be one winner of the hunger games
Katniss pulls out the poisonous berries and tells Peeta to eat them on the count of three
Once the berries enter their mouths they hear a another announcement the capitol tells them to stop
And they both win the hunger games!
By: Lexi Gianacaci Period: 1 January 2013