CPSC 203 Introduction to Computers Lab 33 by Jie (Jeff) Gao
Sept 30, 2002CPSC 203 Lab by Jie Gao Assignment 2 Integration of Word and Excel A complaint letter created by Word (in letter format) A spreadsheet showing how much the payment for the loan will be by Excel Insert the Excel worksheet into Word
Sept 30, 2002CPSC 203 Lab by Jie Gao Assignment 2 (cont’d) A cover page including your name, course and lab section, the TA's name, and the assignment number all in a box Date due: October 11 (Friday)
Sept 30, 2002CPSC 203 Lab by Jie Gao Using Word User Interface Menus, Toolbars, Scrollbars, Ruler, … View Normal, Page Preview, … Format Font, Size, Bold, Italic, Underline, Align, …
Sept 30, 2002CPSC 203 Lab by Jie Gao Tips: How many ways to create a box? 1.Add paragraph border 2.Insert a table with only one cell 3.Insert a textbox 4.Draw a box with lines 5.Put a rectangle on the page 6.Insert a box’s picture 7.…… (Any other?)