All-Age Lectionary Services © 2010 Scripture Union What do we see? We see God the Creator at work in the world that he created. What else do we see? We see that people have damaged God’s world and turned away from God. What else do we see? We see God at work in our church and our lives.
All-Age Lectionary Services © 2010 Scripture Union What do we know? We know that God sent Jesus to save all people. What else do we know? We know that Jesus died and rose again. What else do we know? We know that the Holy Spirit is with us now.
All-Age Lectionary Services © 2010 Scripture Union Why do we worship? We worship God the Father to give thanks for all he has done. Why else do we worship? We worship God’s Son, Jesus, as he came to save the wise men, and all people. Why else do we worship? We worship God the Holy Spirit, because he gives us power to follow God’s way.