A word group that is missing one or more of the following elements is a fragment: a subject a verb a complete thought
Every sentence must: Have a subject Have a verb Express a complete thought
There are 4 types of fragments: 1. dependent word fragments 2. -ing and “to” fragments 3. added detail fragments 4. missing subject fragments
Dependent words are usually prepositions or transitions. Here are some: After Although, though As Because Before Even though See the list of common dependent words on page 444
Dependent word fragments do NOT express a complete thought.
Example (incorrect): After the game. I went straight to sleep.
Example (corrected): After the game, I went straight to sleep.
Example (corrected): After the game, I went straight to sleep.
Example (corrected): After the game, I went straight to sleep. OR I went straight to sleep after the game.
To correct a dependent word fragment, you can attach it to the sentence that comes before or the sentence that comes after.
When you attach the dependent word fragment to the sentence that comes after it, you need a comma between the clauses. Fragment: After I learned the price of new cars. Corrected: After I learned the price of new cars, I decided to keep my old pickup. I decided to keep my old pickup after I learned the price of new cars.
When you attach a dependent word fragment to the sentence that comes before it, you DO NOT need a comma between the clauses. Fragment: After I learned the price of new cars. Corrected: I decided to keep my old pickup after I learned the price of new cars.
That means you CAN start a sentence with because, as long as the clause is attached to a complete sentence: These examples are both correct: Because the frog was slimy, she threw it down. She threw down the frog because it was slimy.
Fix dependent word fragments by attaching it to the sentence that comes before or after it.
Sometimes, dependent word fragments occur when the dependent word is NEAR the beginning of the sentence. This happens with words like: who, that, which, where Example (incorrect): A place where I go.
Example: After the game, I went straight to sleep. Or I went straight to sleep after the game.
When an “–ing” word appears at or near the beginning of a word group, an –ing fragment may result. Example (incorrect): Trying to find my lunch. I tripped on the leg of a chair.
When an “–ing” word appears at or near the beginning of a word group, an –ing fragment may result. Example (incorrect): Trying to find my lunch. I tripped on the leg of a chair.
When an “–ing” word appears at or near the beginning of a word group, an –ing fragment may result. Example (corrected): Trying to find my lunch, I tripped on the leg of a chair.
-ing fragments do not express a complete thought
Correct an –ing fragment by attaching it to the sentence that comes before or after.
Example (correct): Trying to find my lunch, I tripped on the leg of the chair. I tripped on the leg of the chair trying to find my lunch.
Example (incorrect): Trying to find my lunch. Example (correct): Trying to find my lunch, I tripped on the leg of the chair. I tripped on the leg of the chair trying to find my lunch.
Cooking for the baby was difficult for me. For me, it was difficult cooking for the baby
Watch out for fragments that begin with the word “being.” Example (incorrect): She was mad. Being that I was late. Examples (correct): She was mad because I was late. I was late and she was mad.
Never use “being” as a verb in an academic essay.
Also watch out for “to” fragments. “to” fragments do not express a complete thought.
“to” fragments are word groups that have “to” at or near the beginning. Example (incorrect): I went to the store. To buy ice cream.
Correct “to” fragments by adding it to the sentence before the fragment Example (correct): I went to the store to buy ice cream.
Added detail fragments lack a subject and a verb. They also often begin with one of the following words: Also Especially Except For example Including Such as
Missing subject fragments are missing a subject. Example (incorrect): The truck skidded on the highway. But missed a telephone pole.
Fix missing subject fragments by connecting it to the sentence before OR adding a subject. Example (incorrect): `The truck skidded on the highway. But missed a telephone pole. Example (correct): The truck skidded on the highway but missed a telephone pole.
Correct added detail fragments by (correct): 1. connect it to the sentence before I love to eat Italian food, especially lasagna. 2. add a subject and a verb to make it complete. I love to eat Italian food. I especially love lasagna. 3. change the wording to combine it with the proceeding sentence I love lasagna and I love all Italian food.
A missing subject fragment is a word group that is missing a subject. To fix, either: 1. add it to the sentence before 2. add a subject