VOLUNTEER CONFERENCE REGIONAL NEWSLETTERS Lesley Lenssen and Andrew Kozman 4 th September 2015
REGIONAL NEWSLETTERS Each region has a monthly newsletter with the events for the next month The regions can send news to be included It is sent out on the Thursday of the third week of the month The information about events is taken directly off NearYou You get to see 2 proofs before the final download The new templates are responsive and good for mobile devices
EVENTS ARE TAKEN FROM NEARYOU Ideally no editing would be required In practice, I add missing information (location, date etc) I shorten descriptions if they are very long I add descriptions if they are missing I remove repeated information I go into NearYou to find missing details
How it looks on NearYou: How it looks in the newsletter format How it looks after editing
How it looks on NearYou: How it looks after editingHow it looks in the newsletter format
WHERE DOES THE NEWS COME FROM? Regional News Stories from Institution News or from Institution HQ Messages from chair or local committee Promotion of special events eg annual dinners or special lectures
WHAT SHOULD IT LOOK LIKE? Title Short paragraph Link to webpage – NearYou or other Long news items are better on NearYou, with a summary and link in the newsletter
SUPPORTING OTHER PEOPLE’S EVENTS Please do not put them on NearYou Use the News section to give the details gives great exposure to them makes it clear that it is not an Institution event You can detail the kind of support eg sponsor, supporter, exhibitor etc Joint events with other PEIs can go on Nearyou
THINGS THAT WOULD HELP ME... Don’t use CAPITALS Don’t repeat title and location in description When you put up the full details, check that the front page is still correct Put information that will “sell” the events Speaker, company, technology not refreshment details Check your newsletter proofs and alter NearYou before the final download
NEWSLETTER ADMIN Please inform whenever there is a change in newsletter You can update your header images, please let us know what image you want or send an jpeg image Check your committee links are up-to-date on all newsletters, let us know of any changes
1st reminder 2 nd reminder Draft creationBroadcast September October November December Monday HQ to generate the newsletters from Near You in the morning HQ to add any news items from the regions and HQ HQ to send the newsletter proofs to you for checking (please ignore the text proof) Tuesday Regions to check and feedback to by the end of the day (only check the HTML version of the Wednesday HQ to change any small errors. No new events will be added at this point HQ to create text version created from the approved html version Thursday Broadcast of regional newsletter What happens the week the newsletter goes out: REMINDER OF TIMINGS
THANK YOU For more information please contact: Andrew Kozman and Lesley Lenssen