Evolution How do organisms adapt and survive?
Evolution Even within the same population, individual organisms can have different appearances, behaviors, and abilities. Some – but not all – of those differences are hereditary, which means they can be passed down to future offspring.
Evolution Some of those individual differences can improve an organism’s odds of survival, for various reasons. Ability to compete more effectively and/or efficiently Ability to evade predators Ability to resist limiting factors, which impede survival Any adaptation that improves the odds of survival also improves the organism’s odds of reproduction – and if the adaptation is hereditary, then it can be passed onto the new offspring!
Evolution This results in natural selection – the idea that well- adapted organisms are more likely to survive and breed offspring. In contrast, poorly-adapted organisms are not likely to survive or reproduce. At its most successful, natural selection causing well- adapted organisms to dominate the local population. Any substantial change in the overall genetic profile of a population is considered evolution.
Evolution Not all evolution is driven by natural pressures. Throughout human history, we have sought to selectively breed desired adaptations. Some examples include the breeding of dogs from wolves, and the breeding of many modern fruits and vegetables. This intentional breeding is also known as artificial selection.
Evolution Not all evolution is driven by natural pressures. Throughout human history, we have sought to selectively breed desired adaptations. Some examples include the breeding of dogs from wolves, and the breeding of many modern fruits and vegetables. This intentional breeding is also known as artificial selection.
Evolution Some adaptations include a resistance to harmful compounds, such as pesticides and antibiotics. Organisms can, over time, breed defense mechanisms to those means of control. This is known as resistance. This is why antibiotics are prescribed for long amounts of time, and why pesticides are ineffective against certain organisms.
Evolution Finally, some organisms can evolve in response to other organisms. This is known as coevolution. Example: A honeycreeper is a bird with a long and curved beak, to efficiently extract nectar. Some flowers have evolved structures to plant the bird’s head with pollen. Both organisms evolved to adapt to each other’s presence.
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