Nursing Care of the Client: Sexually Transmitted Diseases (STDs) Lectures 1 N.Petrenko, MD, PhD
Chlamydia trachomatis
Chlamydia trachomatis – Symptoms (Woman) In prepubertal girls, chlamydia it can cause a mild vaginal discharge and odor (called vaginitis); in postpubertal women it can cause an off-white discharge and odor which comes from an infected cervic. In women, it can be especially dangerous because it can silently linger for months and progress to Pelvic Inflamatory Disease (PID. which can lead to infertility, chronic pain, and even death. Even babies can get this infection: one half of all babies being delivered through the birth canal of an infected women will develop a Chlamydial conjunctivitis (pink eye) a week after birth. About a quarter of babies passing down the infected birth canal will get a Chlamydia pneumonia. Even babies can get this infection: one half of all babies being delivered through the birth canal of an infected women will develop a Chlamydial conjunctivitis (pink eye) a week after birth. About a quarter of babies passing down the infected birth canal will get a Chlamydia pneumonia.
Chlamydia trachomatis – Symptoms (Men) Chlamydia symptoms in men: 50% of men have no symptoms Chlamydia symptoms in men: 50% of men have no symptoms Swollen and tender testicles Swollen and tender testicles Pain or burning during urination Pus (discharge from the penis) Pus (discharge from the penis)
Gonorrhea Symptoms: Symptoms: –males - discharge of pus from penis, burning sensation upon urination, blood in urine & around 10% show no symptoms especially with the first infection
Gonorrhea Females s ymptoms Asymptomatic Purulent endocervical discharge Menstrual irregularity Pelvic pain Painful menses Dysuria
Gonorrhea Rectal Rectal –Profuse purulent discharge –Rectal pain –Blood in the stool –itching, –fullness –Pressure oral - sore throat & oral - sore throat & swollen glands swollen glands
Gonorrhea Newborn Newborn Ophthalmia neonatorum
Syphilis Treponema pallidum
Syphilis Incubation: Incubation: –primary stage - 10 to 70 days, 21 days in most people; –secondary stage - weeks to a year; –late stage – years
Primary Syphilis
Secondary Syphilis
Tertial Syphilis
Tertiary syphilis
Human papillomavirus (HPV) Genital or veneral warts)
Human papillomavirus
Human papillomavirus
Herpes Simplex Virus (HSV) Type 1, 2
Herpes Simplex Virus Symptoms: rash & itching; painful, fluid filled blisters, fever, fatigue, vaginal discharge Symptoms: rash & itching; painful, fluid filled blisters, fever, fatigue, vaginal discharge symptoms go away but reappear since the virus stays in the body symptoms go away but reappear since the virus stays in the body
Herpes Simplex Virus
Viral hepatitis A
Viral hepatitis B
Viral hepatitis C
Human Immunodeficiency Virus (HIV)
Kaposi’s sarcoma (Cancer associated with AIDS) Oral Thrush (yeast infection) Common infection associated with AIDS Oral Leukoplakia
Bacterial vaginosis nonspecific vaginitis
Candidiasis C. Albicans
Candidiasis Screening and diagnosis Screening and diagnosis –History of predisposing factors –Physical examination Inspection Speculum examination Vaginal pH –Microscopic examination of vaginal discharge Pseudohyphae (bud or branches of fungus
Trichomoniasis anaerobic one-celled protozoan with characteristic flagellae. anaerobic one-celled protozoan with characteristic flagellae. Clinical manifestation Clinical manifestation –asymptomatic, –yellowish to greenish, frothy, mucopurulent, copious, malodorous discharge. –Inflamation of the vulva, vagina, or both may be present, and the woman may complain of irritation and pruritis. –Disuria and dyspareunia arc often present. –the discharge worsens during and after menstruation. Clinical Examination Clinical Examination –the cervix and vaginal walls will demonstrate the characteristic "strawberry spots" or tiny petechiae, –the cervix may bleed on contact
Pubic Lice (Crabs)
CMV Treatment: most resolve spontaneoulsy Treatment: most resolve spontaneoulsy therapy is often required for immunosuppressed patients therapy is often required for immunosuppressed patients Ganciclovir Ganciclovir
Hutchinson's teeth Mucous patches and skin lesions in an infant Interstial keratitis causing blindness Rhagades facial disfigurement
Runny nose (rhinitis) known as snuffles, a macular rash and mucus patches Hutchinson's teeth - peg-shaped upper incisors Perforation of the hard palate (resulting from gummatous destruction)
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