Interactive Science Notebooks Mrs. Dara 8 th grade AP Science/STEM Turlock Junior High School
“Your Key To Success in Science”
What is an Interactive Science Notebook? An interactive science notebook (ISN) is your own personalized SCIENCE BOOK. A portfolio of your learning and a great resource for STUDYING for quizzes and tests. A great ORGANIZATIONAL tool that gives you permission to be COLORFUL and CREATIVE to show me what you know or have learned. Allows you to be like a REAL SCIENTIST by asking QUESTIONS, RECORDING what you observe, and SHARING it with your classmates!
Notebook is divided into two Sections Left Side Student Output Lots of Color, Diagrams, & Drawings Foldable/Organizers Data Analysis/Conclusion Questions Data Charts and Graphs Songs, Poems, or Riddles Data from Experiments EVEN – numbered pages Right Side Teacher Input/Content Blue/Black Ink or Pencil Information given in class Cornell Notes/PPT Lab procedures Video Notes Textbook Notes ODD – numbered pages Source:
The notebook is divided into TWO sections. LEFT side “loves ” STUDENT work = OUTPUT RIGHT side is “restricted” to TEACHER INPUT WARMUP #1 Fill in the missing word. Decomposer Producer Consumer Plants are ____. Lions, tigers, and bears are ____. Worms and mushrooms are____
“INB's are easy to do and worth a lot of points, so take time and effort to do them well.“ "Always update your table of contents so papers don't get messed up - or in case of an INB check.“ "An INB is a great tool, keep it organized!“ "You have to spend quality time on your INB.“ "Don't leave your INB until the last day, otherwise you may be up to the early morning hours finishing assignments.“ "Color-code things. It looks so much better that way” "Keep it in order, because you never know when a notebook check might come up.“ "Do not save your INB until the last minute. Remember, it counts as much as a test."
OUTPUT (your interpretation) INPUT (notes from teacher) Source:
OUTPUT (your interpretation) INPUT (notes from teacher) Example page: Source:
HIGHLIGHTER Colored Pencils Spiral Notebook Erasable Pens & Pencils Scissors Glue Stick NO MARKER! (except on front cover)
The name of the course: – My Adventures in 8th Grade Science Your favorite quote: “Believe anything is possible” The class period that you have science: – Period 2, for example The school year: 2015 – 2016 Teacher: Mrs. Dara Your name: (self explanatory) TWO OR MORE SCIENCE PICTURES: – You can draw, get from magazine or Internet. My Name My Grade
“Be the change you want to see in the world” My adventures in 8 th grade SCIENCE (NAME)_____ PERIOD:__ Mrs. Dara
DATETITLEPAGE #Grade Stamp/Initial
No RIPPED OUT pages or torn corners No DOODLING that doesn’t relate to science Notebook should only be used for SCIENCE CLASS ONLY Pages must be numbered consecutively, do not skip pages, each page titled and dated. All entries must go into the Table of Contents BE COLORFUL & LOVE YOUR NOTEBOOK
Many thanks to these wonderful teachers for creating wonderful POWERPOINT slides from – Annette Holder, rockin’ Science Annette Holder – Doug Saunders, bringing History Alive! Doug Saunders –, great resource – Eboni DuBose, sharing this powerpoint online