NWA Pathfinder’s Fundraising 101 By Shawn Kohltfarber
Happy Child
Christmas Catalog for Outdoor School
Parents took me to friends house
Combing through the Catalog
Asking for help and cheerful
New Fundraising Challenge
Fundraising Guru
Formula of Fundraising Prayer of Asking for Good Idea Being Inspired with Good Idea Implementing Good Idea Pray of Thanksgiving of Good Idea Thanking Customer for partaking in Good Idea
What kind of Ideas?
We are trading Trading Time Trading Goods Renting Goods Renting Places Asking For Money
To be Successful We must know Our Customer
“Business Tips” Lynda.com
Joseph Pine – The Experience Economy
“Understanding Customers” – The Knowledge
Who is your customer? ____________
Breaking into Teams Spontaneously group yourselves into groups of 3-5 people.
Ice Breaker
The Cookie Titan
The Importance of Fundraising Learn the skill how to sell
Strategy Session – 2 min
Team Exercise
Get Results Count your total number of ideas Divide by the number of people in your group to compute “per-person productivity” score Put a star * next to your 3 most “unique” ideas.
10 Minute Break
To be Successful We must know How to Sell
You’re Probably a Salesperson
The Surprising Truth About Moving Others
To be Successful We must know pricing
Price Anchoring
$310 Haircut
To be Successful We must know not to make things complex
How many choices are too many?
To be Successful We must know gratitude
Building a Fundraising Idea Exercise to help make a fundraising Idea a reality