Notes # 9 Johnson and the Radical Republicans
Andrew Johnson 17th President of the U.S. Before Vice-President, was war time governor of Tennessee. Though a Democrat and a southerner, he was against the idea of secession and remained loyal to the Union. One of the main reasons why Lincoln, a Republican, chose him as his Vice-President was to unify the country. (i.e., A northern Republican and a Southern Democrat working together.)
Johnson’s Plan Johnson’s plan was very lenient (forgiving). Unlike Lincoln’s view, Johnson did not believe that African Americans should vote. He did require the following; Anyone who pledged loyalty to the Union received a Presidential Pardon. It is by this leniency that many ex-Confederate leaders managed to return to power, this allowed the rise of several subversive acts against the Union and African Americans, like the KKK and Jim Crow Laws. Though states did not have to give African Americans voting Rights, the states had to free there slaves. Though Johnson wanted the African Americans to be free, he neither wanted them to vote, and on several occasions believed that African Americans should leave the country. Johnson also gave back property that had been confiscated during the war.
Radical Republican’s and their Plan for Reconstruction. The Republican Party was divided in two. There were the moderates (not so fanatical) who believed in Lincoln’s Plan for Reconstruction, and as so, did not argue to much about Johnson’s plan. Then there were the radicals, many of whom were ardent (strong) abolitionists and war hawks (people who were strong supporters of war, especially for punishing the south.)
Radical Republican Plan The Radicals sought revenge from the south, to punish not only years of slavery, but for seceding which led to America’s bloodiest war. They also wanted to ensure that African Americans would become equals in society. This will lead, as we will see, to African Americans not only being freed, but African American males being able to vote as well. It will also lead to the Freedman’s Bureau, which will try to equalize the freed slave (Freedman).
Radical Republican Plan Unlike Lincoln and Johnson, the Radicals wanted a majority of each state’s population to swear loyalty to the Union. The Radicals also wanted to ensure that the Republican Party stayed in power. If African Americans could vote, then they would surely remain loyal to the party that freed them. Also, under Radical Reconstruction, ex- Confederate leaders could never again hold any political office or other leadership position.
Who wins? After the Civil War, a new political war erupted. Both Johnson and his supporters fought against the Radicals and their supporters to see which sides plan would prevail. In the end, both sides had some victories as we will learn. But the question for you right now, what parts of each plan actually made it? With a partner, discuss both plans, and try and combine them into just 1 plan that you think actually happened. Write this plan on a piece of paper with all group member names and turn it in. Before the break we will find out what actually happened.