Place Value To understand the term Place Value To explain the ideas behind Place Value To explore the visual resources that are used at our school to.


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Presentation transcript:

Place Value To understand the term Place Value To explain the ideas behind Place Value To explore the visual resources that are used at our school to support the children’s understanding

Digits All numbers are made from digits. Each digit in its right place gives a number its value. What are the digits? Yep

In Reception and Year One the children develop a strong sense of 10 as a foundation of place value and mental calculations. At our school we use Numicon or ten frames to support this.

Numicon Children learn the numerical value that is equated to each plate. They take part in a range of activities to match and compare. Finally the children explore fitting the plates together in different ways to make 10.

Numicon in the Environment A Maths table Maths in the Construction Area The Maths Area in Reception

Frame A: There are five counters; perhaps seen as sub-groups of three and two, either by looking at the clusters at either end of the frame, or by looking at the number in the top and bottom rows. Frame B: Again there are five counters; perhaps seen as three in the top row and two in the bottom, or as four and one, or two and two and one. It is also noticeable that there are five empty boxes remaining, in a similar shape to the full boxes. This prompts the awareness that 'five and five make ten'. Frame C: This arrangement strongly illustrates the idea that 'five and five make ten'. It also suggests the idea that half of ten is five. This type of thinking would not occur if the five counters were presented without the context of the ten-frame. Ten Frames 'Ten' is of course the building block of our base 10 numeration system so this is given great value at our school.

Young children can usually 'read' two-digit numbers long before they understand the effect the placement of each digit has on its numerical value. For example, a 5 year-old might be able to correctly read 62 as sixty-two and 26 as twenty-six, and even know which number is larger, without understanding why the numbers are of differing values.

Dienes A tool for understanding place value Encourages the use of mathematical language (hundreds, tens and units or ones) Supports addition and subtraction The Exchange Game

Can you have a go at building some numbers? Think about discussing: How many units or ones? How many lots of 10? How many hundreds?

Once the children have developed a sense of the value of each digit, they can use this knowledge to aid addition and subtraction.

Remember to discuss what you are doing in relation to place value as you build numbers. What changes are you working? Why? Use mathematical language: units or ones, lots of ten In preparation for column method (y3)... U first, then T

Thank you for coming.