Cultural Performance in the Inter-War Years Theatre, Radio, Film, Comedy, Dance and Music A web research and jigsaw project
Jigsaw Task Explanation Your team has been given a particular genre (radio, film, theatre, dance, comedy or music to explore through a web research project (HINT: google history of Australian radio/film etc.) Your group will need to appoint a 1.Whip: One person to lead the team through the task, coordinate the searchers and the scribe, ensure you complete the task before the end of this lesson and briefly present the progress made at the end of this lesson 2.Searchers: Two people to conduct web searches and discover information 3.Scribe: One person to capture your information on this scaffold and complete the presentation If you find it difficult to find material in the inter-war years you may expand your search to the teens and the forties You have 30 minutes to complete the research (HINT: use your two web searchers to investigate different sites at the same time. Set up a new bookmark folder, or delicious tags, to save the best pages) Your presentation may be a PowerPoint, Animoto animated slide show or any other medium you choose (check with the Teacher first) N.B. This is a blank presentation for your use as a scaffold. You should change it however you see fit. Each team member will join a different group next lesson where you will teach your new group your subject using the presentation made by this week’s group (HINT: so keep a copy on your hard drive or this class’ network drive)
Historical Context What were the important events, trends, fashions and cultural works that characterised the inter-war years Were there any global or international trends influencing your genre (i.e. American culture) What technological developments influenced the development of your genre Include photos, films or recordings
Key Personalities Who were the most significant performers in your genre? What were their biographical details? Include photos, films or recordings
Key Venues Where did entertainers in your genre perform or do their work? What were these venues like for performers and audience? Include photos, films or recordings
Major Performances and Recordings What were the most memorable performances? Who watched them and what social milieu, group or class did they come from? Include photos, films or recordings
Roy Rene What are the key biographical details for Roy Rene? How significant, or irrelevant, was he for your genre?
Historical Importance How did your genre affect and influence the lives of Australians in the inter-war years How did the genre in the inter-war years influence the genre of today in your area of investigation?
References Cite your web sources Cite the sources you find from the era such as images, sound recordings, film, oral history, biographies, memoirs etc. How useful and reliable did you find the sources – Choose one source you found useful and reliable and state why – Choose one you found unreliable and why