Practicing what we preach Developing a CPD scheme for academic staff Lisa Hayes, Academic Professional Development Coordinator PhD, MSc, MEd, BScEd (Hons)
University of Bedfordshire2 About me Corporate Training (Retail) Secondary Teacher (Physics) Developing Elementary Teachers (Ontario, Canada) PhD in Professional Development (CPD) Teaching in HE (PgCert, Masters in Education) Learning & Development (Charity – Health Care) Leading CPD for Academics in HE A newbie in educational development
University of Bedfordshire3 Professional Teaching Scheme (PTS) HEA accredited – September 2013 HEA Recognition – D1 – D4 90% Target by June 2014 E-Portfolio (compulsory) Embedded in processes (progression) e.g., Senior Lecturer = HEA Fellow A CPD Framework for Academics
University of Bedfordshire4 Professional Teaching Scheme (PTS) Principles The learner experience is an integral and important part of the student experience All academic staff have a key role in the learner experience The need for a balance between recognition for REF and HEA and recognising the value of excellent teaching at UoB Provision of timely, accessible relevant and useful professional development activities to support teaching at UoB Provision of a flexible professional development framework that recognises accredited, non- accredited, formal and non-formal development activities Building and supporting a professional community of practice which recognises, supports and disseminates effective teaching practice
University of Bedfordshire5 Professional Teaching Scheme (PTS) Our ‘unique selling points’ Built in 4 yearly review – ‘maintenance of good standing’ Community Activity – to show engagement with professional community and dissemination of effective practice e.g., case study, UoB conference, delivery of workshop, action research No application form but portfolio of evidence and a reflective narrative which includes artifacts, and engagement with peer support process and student feedback No referees
University of Bedfordshire6 Positive points ‘Issues’ Write one positive point and one ‘issue’ on different coloured post-it notes (1 min) Discuss your positives and ‘issues’ with the person next to you (10 mins)
University of Bedfordshire7 Positive points ‘Issues’ Embedded in teaching practice Promotes on-going reflection and review of teaching practice Promotes a culture of continuing professional development (CPD) Rewards and recognises teaching Tensions between research/teaching Developing a reflective mindset Cultural approach to CPD Evidencing/recording ‘effective’ teaching
University of Bedfordshire8 CPD in Higher Education Gourmet Omnivores – reach out for opportunities and generate or initiate opportunities for others Active Consumers – continually scan their environments for opportunities for growth Passive Consumers – amiable, conforming – attend CPD but rarely do anything with the content (approx 70%) Reticent Consumers – ‘expend energy pushing away opportunities for growth’, reluctant, resistant, ‘consider opportunities for change as conspiracy designed to leave them less powerful and efficacious.’ Craft (2000); Joyce & Showers (1995)
University of Bedfordshire9 Challenges Target-driven + Development & Support = Tension CPD Culture + Reflective Mindset = a challenge for evidencing and recording staff achievement in teaching Difficulty of recording and judging staff achievement in subjective terms such as ‘commitment’ and ‘successful’
University of Bedfordshire10 Challenges in recording staff achievement In your groups look at UKPSF Dimensions and Descriptor 2 (Fellow) Discuss which area you feel would be most difficult to evidence and record staff achievement Discuss how you might record, evidence and judge staff achievement in this area 15 mins
University of Bedfordshire11 Challenges UoB approach Training for PTS Panel Reviewers External panel members with experience of similar CPD schemes A flexible approach to evidence Consultation/dialogue with focus groups of academics and students HEA benchmarking resources Support and resource implementation of E-portfolio
University of Bedfordshire12