President’s Annual Report 2015
January - President Mike Thomas started the year off at our first meeting and also provided a Beall finishing demonstration January 24 th saw us at the Tool Show February - 7 th brought Dennis Liggett in for a weekend. Rick Bywater showed us how to core a bowl at the February meeting.
March - gifted us with Dave Bartlett turning captive rings April - brought Chip Siskey to the meeting showing us how to make tools sharp and Rick Bywater won an award.
MAY - was the month that Stuart Shanker kept us off balance with off- set turning and we received formal news that Kansas City was selected as the host for the 2017 AAW national Symposium June - The warm weather was wonderful for our picnic, receiving the announcement that we received the AAW EOG Grant, The Maker Faire, and Kevin Neelley’s demo on hollowing.
as well as being the recipient of the 2015 AAW EOG grant August - brought another dynamic duo for the demo- Anthony Harris and Ric Bywater on threading. July – saw a demo by Chris Coyan and Shaun McMahon dealing with tools for new turners
September – that wonderful month for the Irish Fest and Jerry McMaster kept the feeling going with surface decoration. October – this month saw another professional Rudy Lopez and a demo on segmenting by Kevin Neelley
November – Things outside tend to cool down but inside we had the Auction and a grand demo by David Bartlett about Christmas Ornaments. December – WE ARE HERE
KCWT Goals Presented last year by outgoing President Larry Dice Increase Membership Increase Participation Maintain and Improve Financial Solvency So, how did we do?
2015 – KCWT Membership Alive and Growing! KCWT now has 132 paid members, a 20% increase over last year and more than any other in the Club’s 26 year history. Many new members joined after learning about KCWT at outside events such as Tool Show, Maker Faire and Irish Fest. and current members inviting friends and family to attend a meeting or Open Turning were also responsible for new members joining KCWT. Congratulations! But we still have room to grow…
2015 – KCWT Finances No Recession Here! Total Club equity is now over $48,600, a record high and a 5.2% increase versus This includes our new lathe! We have over $15,700 cash in the bank, almost 15% more than this time last year. And we still didn’t earn much interest… Net income grew 125% to more than $3750 this year, primarily due to more Membership dues and profit from Professional Demonstrator events. Average Monthly Expenses were $1,450, a decrease of nearly 27% versus last year, primarily due to a reduction in Demonstrator expenses. Thank yourselves and our Treasurer for successful financial managementan!
2015 – KCWT Participation Active and Increasing! More than 68 Members participated in supporting KCWT activities during 2015 by helping with Outside events, doing demonstrations and showing work for The Challenge and Show & Tell sessions. These 68 represent over half of our Organization (51.5%) and 13% more than the number who participated last year. Great Job! But nearly half our Organization is still missing out…
2016 – KCWT Goals Build on our Success! Increase Membership – new members strengthen our organization and grow our talent pool. Expand Participation – help yourself and others to improve and add new skills and experience. Sustain and Grow Financial Solvency – will provide resources needed for current plans and opportunities as well as build a strong future legacy. Your commitment now to help achieve these goals will make KCWT an even better organization!