WG1 Decommissioning Kickoff Workshop WG1 Decommissioning Kickoff Workshop Long term Storage & ID tooling management R. Vuillermet on behalf of TC team 18/19 th of September 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet1
Current situation in B180 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet2
Current situation in B180 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet3
Current situation in B180 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet4
Current situation in B180 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet5
Current situation in B180 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet6
Current situation in SR1 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet7
Why such a situation ? – At the end of the construction tooling were left at point1 (SR1, SX1, outside) and during cleaning operation the tooling have been shipped to b180 as they were some space. The material and tooling pilled up as they arrived… without follow-up. – Sorting out tooling and documenting is less exiting that constructing and assembling detectors. – Decommissioning was not considered (no interest, no date, no plan, etc.) – Systems and TC have not prepare the long term storage 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet8
Consequence of such situation – Loose of tooling, material, procedure that could be very useful for the decommissioning of ATLAS – Rubbery of precious material – Immobilization of useful tooling – Space used with obsolete materials (old computers as example or furniture … !) – Time to find tooling when required if someone remember where it is … 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet9
TC proposals : 1.Equipment of the tent 609 with racks for palette storage (capacity of 336 palettes) 2.Equipment of the tent 609 with a card access system to control access and register material arrival. 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet10
6.Buy some containers These containers will be locked (access of the key through Trakka board in Atlas control room) These containers will be pilled up in b180 to save some space on the floor. Start with 2 on the top of the 5 Pixel’s ones Containers will be to the disposal of the system. 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet11 3.Development of a database to manage the long time storage with information like : System name, Labeling, List of contain, Pictures, etc. 4.Affect one or two persons for the storage management. 5.Coordinate with transport team and few technicians the move of boxes and materials into b609 at the beginning of Guaranty a long term knowledge management of the tooling over the live time of the experiment (until 2035)
Objectives : (1/2) Time objectives : – Sort out tooling and material, and clean SR1 by March – Store and organize all the tooling and material and clean b180 by June Organization objectives : – Each system is invited to nominate one contact person. This person will be in charge to organize and coordinate with its community the effort (sorting out, identifying, labeling, storing) – System concern by this program in the Inner detector SCT, TRT, Pixel, IBL – TC will organize by the end of the year : The database development and implementation The access control in the b609 The construction of storing racks 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet12
Objectives : (2/2) Space management – The current storage place in b180 will be used in the near future for the scale one mock-ups to prepare upgrade programs (LS2, LS3, etc.) – The SR1 should come back to a clean operation condition early 2015 to allow tests and development 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet13
Back up slides 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet14
Example of storage on palettes and racks 18&19/9/2014R. Vuillermet15