© South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Chapter 1Slide 1 LESSON 1.2 Contemporary Perspectives and Areas of Specialization OBJECTIVES Identify and describe the current perspectives in psychology. Identify and describe the areas of specialization in psychology.
Chapter 1 © South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Slide 2 Contemporary Perspectives Psychoanalysis Behaviorism Humanistic psychology Cognitive psychology Psychobiology Sociocultural psychology
Chapter 1 © South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Slide 3 Psychoanalysis Sigmund Freud (1856–1939) Psychoanalysis is an approach to psychology that studies how human behavior is determined by hidden or unconscious motives and desires. Dreams and early childhood trauma Id, Ego and Superego
Chapter 1 © South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Slide 4 Behaviorism John Watson (1878–1958) Behaviorism is an approach to psychology that studies observable behavior rather than hidden mental processes. Little Albert Experiment Given a dozen infants and he could make them into anything he wanted.
Chapter 1 © South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Slide 5 Humanistic Psychology Carl Rogers (1902–1987) Abraham Maslow (1908–1970) Humanistic psychology is an approach to psychology that emphasizes people’s inborn desire for personal growth and their ability to consciously make choices. Positive psychology is a relatively new approach to psychology that studies how people find mental health and happiness in their everyday living.
Chapter 1 © South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Positive Psychology Three happy lives Pleasant life Good Life Meaningful life Which do you live? Authentichappiness.com Slide 6
Chapter 1 © South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Slide 7 Cognitive Psychology George A. Miller Ulric Neisser Cognitive psychology is an approach to psychology that studies how the mind organizes and makes sense of information and experiences.
Chapter 1 © South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Slide 8 Psychobiology Psychobiology is an approach to psychology that studies how the brain and other areas of our biology influence behavior. Rat Dopamine release experiment
Chapter 1 © South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Slide 9 Sociocultural Psychology Sociocultural psychology is an approach to psychology that studies how social surroundings and culture shape thinking and behavior. Individualism is a philosophy of life stressing that the individual is more important than the group. Collectivism is a philosophy of life stressing that group is more important than the individual.
Chapter 1 © South-Western | Cengage Learning A Discovery Experience PSYCHOLOGY Slide 10 Table 1-1 Differences Between Collectivist and Individualist Cultures Collectivist CulturesIndividualist Cultures Identity is given by one’s group.Identity is achieved by one’s own striving. Individuals are socialized to be emotionally dependent on their social group, and conformity is valued. Individuals are socialized to be emotionally independent of their social group, and independence is valued. Personal and group goals are generally consistent; when inconsistent, group goals have priority. Personal and group goals are often inconsistent; when inconsistent, personal goals have priority. Trust is placed in group decisions. Trust is placed in individual decisions.