A Very Brief History of Computing PE 266 Technology in HPER Dr. Mike Butler.


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Presentation transcript:

A Very Brief History of Computing PE 266 Technology in HPER Dr. Mike Butler

Selected Online Resources x.htm x.htm x.htm x.htm hist/ hist/ hist/ hist/ /timelines.html /timelines.html /timelines.html /timelines.html

Early Computers 500 BC 500 BC The abacus The abacus The slide rule The slide rule Charles Babbage mechanical computer Charles Babbage mechanical computermechanical computermechanical computer

Other early developments Formation of the Tabulating Machine Company to help count census data Formation of the Tabulating Machine Company to help count census data What does this company become? What does this company become? “Everything that can be invented has already been invented.” – director of US patent office “Everything that can be invented has already been invented.” – director of US patent office

Pre-WWII 1937 – Alan Turing’s paper on “computable numbers” – solving a math problem with a simple computer 1937 – Alan Turing’s paper on “computable numbers” – solving a math problem with a simple computer A member of the team that produced Colossus A member of the team that produced Colossus

The “Turing Test” The “Turing Test” Alan Turing declared that one day there would be a machine that could duplicate human intelligence in every way and prove it by passing a specialized test. In this test, a computer and a human hidden from view would be asked random identical questions. If the computer were successful, the questioner would be unable to distinguish the machine from the person by the answers. Alan Turing declared that one day there would be a machine that could duplicate human intelligence in every way and prove it by passing a specialized test. In this test, a computer and a human hidden from view would be asked random identical questions. If the computer were successful, the questioner would be unable to distinguish the machine from the person by the answers. 0test%20 0test%20 0test%20 0test%20

Quotes 1943 – chairman of IBM says there may be a world market for as many as 5 computers 1943 – chairman of IBM says there may be a world market for as many as 5 computers

WW-II Colossus – to help break Enigma Colossus – to help break Enigma ENIAC – to compute ballistics and help develop hydrogen bomb ENIAC – to compute ballistics and help develop hydrogen bomb Weighed 30 tons Weighed 30 tons

Post WW-II 1947 – Transistor 1947 – Transistor William Shockley and Bell Labs William Shockley and Bell Labs Major step forward from vaccum tubes – it’s all about miniturization! Major step forward from vaccum tubes – it’s all about miniturization!

Quotes 1949 – in the future computers may weigh no more than 1.5 tons – Popular Mechanics 1949 – in the future computers may weigh no more than 1.5 tons – Popular Mechanics 1957 – editor of prentice hall says data processing is a fad that won’t last out the year 1957 – editor of prentice hall says data processing is a fad that won’t last out the year

Post WW-II Integrated circuit Integrated circuit Texas Instruments Texas Instruments Noyce – silicon chip transistor Noyce – silicon chip transistor Microprocessor Microprocessor

More Developments Doug Englebart invents the Xerox Doug Englebart invents the Xerox BASIC programming language runs for the first time BASIC programming language runs for the first time

Moore’s Law Moore predicts that computing power would double every 18 months Moore predicts that computing power would double every 18 months

Intel Noyce and Moore found Intel Noyce and Moore found Intel

Quotes 1968 – “but what is it good for?” – from IBM engineer commenting on the microchip 1968 – “but what is it good for?” – from IBM engineer commenting on the microchip “There is no reason why anyone would want a computer in their home.” – founder of DEC “There is no reason why anyone would want a computer in their home.” – founder of DEC

Networking developments ARPANET – original internet? ARPANET – original internet? US Department of Defense US Department of Defense

Floppy Disks IBM introduces 8 inch floppy disks and drive IBM introduces 8 inch floppy disks and drive inch mini-floppy disks appear 5.25 inch mini-floppy disks appear

Networking development First international connections to ARPANET First international connections to ARPANET 1973 – ethernet developed 1973 – ethernet developed Robert Metcalfe at Xerox PARC Robert Metcalfe at Xerox PARC

WYSIWYG Gypsy – word processor from Xerox PARC Gypsy – word processor from Xerox PARC First WYSIWYG program First WYSIWYG program

The evil empire is born Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft Bill Gates and Paul Allen form Microsoft

Amusing Development Steve Wozniak offers his new computer to Hewlet-Packard who reject it Steve Wozniak offers his new computer to Hewlet-Packard who reject it

Apple is born The two “Steves” build the first Apple I computer in their garage The two “Steves” build the first Apple I computer in their garage Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs Steve Wozniak and Steve Jobs Later they incorporate Apple Computer on April Fool’s Day Later they incorporate Apple Computer on April Fool’s Day First Apple I kit for sale at $ First Apple I kit for sale at $666.66

First consumer computers Altaire (named after a Star Trek episode) Altaire (named after a Star Trek episode) Apple I & II Apple I & II TRS-80 (trash 80) TRS-80 (trash 80)

Networking developments TCP/IP used on ARPANET TCP/IP used on ARPANET

“Killer Apps” VisiCalc spreadsheet VisiCalc spreadsheet

Big Blue IBM PC IBM PC Visicalc and MS DOS version 1 Visicalc and MS DOS version 1

Quotes DOS only uses 1 MB of ram because we cannot imagine any applications needing more DOS only uses 1 MB of ram because we cannot imagine any applications needing more Bill Gates – “640K ought to be enough for anybody” Bill Gates – “640K ought to be enough for anybody”

Apple strikes back? 1983 – Lisa 1983 – Lisa Apple strikes out Apple strikes out

Apple’s Revenge Big product roll-outs Big product roll-outs Ridley Scott commercial Ridley Scott commercial

Microsoft attacks 1985 – MS Windows – the evil empire strikes back 1985 – MS Windows – the evil empire strikes back

Sir Tim Berners Lee Knighted in recognition of his creation of WWW in 1989 Knighted in recognition of his creation of WWW in 1989

Deep Blue IBM supercomputer beats World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov for first time IBM supercomputer beats World Chess Champion Gary Kasparov for first time