Andy Bell Deputy Director of Finance – London Ambulance Service NHS Trust & FFF Valuemaker Not a Very Good Value Maker
Why am I here? I’m a first generation Value Maker I really believe in what FFF is trying to achieve Guilt
WHAT IS A VALUE MAKER? A value maker is someone who is committed to making a difference and passionate about the power of finance in supporting the delivery of excellence in patient care Being a value maker involves being an ambassador for Future-Focused Finance, broadening your experiences and networking with like minded people whilst helping spread important messages and shared development
Why did I get involved in FFF? My DoF made me go to the roadshow (at first) Seemed like the right thing to do (cautiously optimistic) Drive and Positivity of FFF community Potential Career Development (networking etc.)
What has happened as a result? Became a Value Maker Wrote some blogs Looked at some of the workstream output Played about on the website and Twitter
What have you done for me lately? Not a lot “Too Busy” – Became a DDoF Not attended any events Limited interactions on the FFF website and Twitter In short – not good enough
But……….. Being a Valuemaker has influenced my mindset FFF has infiltrated in other ways Its good to be reminded that there are other things out there
What is “Not a Lot?” Taking part in a Close Partnering King’s Fund Pilot Persuaded 2 of my staff to become Next Generation VMs Integrated FFF workstreams into Finance Team’s Objectives Informed the Creation of a Training Culture in Finance (Great Place to Work)
King’s Fund Pilot Powerful Insight Positive Experience May only make a small difference (1%) National Shared Learning
Training Culture
So What Benefits have I seen? Access to a national finance support group Unique Development Opportunities (National Pilots, Article in the HSJ) Influencing the Finance Team Starting to Influence Clinicians Influenced my management style
Closing Thoughts It’s a good thing FFF is an opportunity not a solution Even the incidental benefits are worth it (networking, national forum) Getting Involved can only help (you and FFF) The potential is huge Creating a Common Language about what good looks like and how to get there Embrace small steps
WHAT IS A VALUE MAKER? A value maker is someone who is committed to making a difference and passionate about the power of finance in supporting the delivery of excellence in patient care Being a value maker involves being an ambassador for Future-Focused Finance, broadening your experiences and networking with like minded people whilst helping spread important messages and shared development
will be shaped and brought to life by YOU